Staring upon the darkness,
Wishing it gone becomes pointless,
Tell me, why is it consuming the light?
Everything left is the darkness of the night.I can't see anymore,
And everything is becoming a bore,
Day after day of unending darkness,
And it's becoming hopeless.Wishing for this to end,
Or at least just a little light,
But it won't bend,
The darkness' might.Wanting to end it all,
Leave and stand tall,
But it won't get me anywhere,
Especially when I wear the darkness everywhere.Then there was an unexpected light,
A light so small,
Showing in the darkness of the night,
And it was standing tall.Wishing it would stay,
And show me the way,
To give me unending happiness,
And help me leave the darkness.The smile that lit up my day actually stayed,
My little light that shined so bright,
Had walked it's way,
To the darkest part of my heart.The light stayed permanently,
And I could never be so happy,
Having my own little light,
Painting the dark night.

PoetryThis is a book filled with poems of 반탄소년단, and it is mostly inspired by their ships, personality, works and etc. All of the works here are mine, but some of the first ones had a bit of help(idktheiraccountnamesoya). I would be okay and actually happ...