It was midday at school, the lunch bell had just chimed and Mo Guan Shan trudged to the green to eat the sandwiches he bought from the school canteen. This morning he left He Tian sleeping sprawled naked on his back, there was no way he should be at school all messed up like he was.
So Mo dressed quietly and made his way to school on his own. All morning he had heard nothing from Tian, Tian almost always messaged him with something filthy which made him squirm in his seat. He had to admit things were dull without He Tian here bugging the shit out of him. Even Jian Yi was looking glum, Tian normally teased him until one or the other was running around shouting bloody murder or trying to humiliate each other.
Sitting on the grass next to Jian Yi and Zhan Zheng Xi, he peeled the lid from his sandwiches and looked over at the two boys, who were currently arguing over the fact Jian Yi had forgotten his lunch and was trying and failing to steal Zhan Xi's. These two dorks were now his close friends, they'd helped him, saved him, even though he didn't deserve it, even though they didn't have to they stick their fucking necks for him, they had.
Throughout middle school his friends were all asshole delinquents like him, led by the king of asshole delinquents, She Li. They all followed She Li like cattle, he didn't want to sound like a cliche but it was true that bullies were probably bullied first. Anyone and everyone that dick came into contact with fell under his fist quickly, how do you gain some control back? You pick fights with the weak.....not his proudest moments he had to admit.
His mistake was picking a fight with these two idiots, who in turn brought him to the attention of a certain black haired fiend. Did he mention that he owed Jian Yi and Zhan Xi? Even though he protested incredibly loudly He Tian, Jian Yi and Zhan Zheng Xi wormed their way into his life. Towards the middle of his last year He Tian crawled into his heart, then dragged Mo into his huge bed and showed him how much fun you could have kissing and jerking each other off.
Mo had dragged his heels about making their relationship public at all, even Jian Yi and Zhan Xi didn't know they were dating. He knew how homophobic his so called "friends" were and when they became suspicious about his friendship with He Tian, they all abandoned him (bar one who wasn't such a dick). Apparently being friends with Jian Yi and Zhan Xi made him gay by association. Luckily he began to recognise that his life choices and previous friendships were not what he wanted and he was over making his mom cry, He Tian stepped in and helped him make the break for good.
Had he mentioned how awesome He Tian was? When he wasn't being a closed mouthed, secretive shithead.
"I'm going to fucking stab you in the back of the hand with my chopsticks, if you try one more time to steal my food. Get your fingers off my sausage!" Mo shook his head at their antics, Zhan Xi defended his lunch box, holding it above his head in one hand away from Jian Yi's mooching fingers, and Jian Yi reached closer and closer until he was practically straddling Zhan Xi's knee.
"But Xixi.....that's not what you said last night!" Jian Yi used Zhan Xi's complete embarrassment to snatch a hotdog and stuff it in his mouth triumphantly.
Mo could hear the click of cameras as giggling school girls gathered to take pictures of their clowning around. Although those two weren't 'out', no one would be shocked if any rumours got out about them being gay.
The low murmur of conversation which was normal at lunchtime soon grew and the murmur changed to an excited chatter, which in turn transformed into a din of gushing female voices. Either a celebrity had wandered into the grounds of the school or.......
"He Tian!"
"He Tian's back!"
"He Tian your face!"
"He Tian what happened?"
"Your wrist! Can I write notes for you?"
"Stupid you're not even in his class."
"He Tian come sit with us!"
"He Tian can I cook you lunches?"
"You can't cook, you'll poison him!"
"You can use my lap to sleep on if you want?"
"He Tian your face wont scar will it!?"
By the time the crowd parted like the Red Sea and He Tian's bruised face appeared, Mo Guan Shan was pissed. Get away from him bitches! He wanted to shout at them so much, he had restrain himself.
"I'll talk to you all later, I need to talk to Zhan Xi about notes." He Tian kept his eyes on Mo and sat down painfully next to him.
Mo noticed that Tian's face, usually tanned and healthy looking, was pale and drawn. Was he okay?
"You look like shit, why are you even here idiot?" Mo scowled at him.
"It's nice to be missed." He Tian grinned but it didn't reach his eyes. "Mo, can I stay at yours tonight?"
"You just want my mom to spoil you." Mo looked suspicious.
"Probably. So can I?" He Tian's face looked pensive.
"Yeah whatever, works out better I suppose, I don't have to haul my ass all the way back out to feed you." Mo shrugged, he was concerned by how weird Tian was being.
"Thanks, your mom is the best mother in law to be, I wish we could all live together." He Tian said the last part quietly.
"Umm this isn't the time to talk about such things He Tian." Mo Guan Shan blushed and cursed to hide his embarrassment, but internally he was smiling at the thought of them all living together in his tiny squashed apartment.
It didn't sound to bad at all.

Perseverance vs Hostility (19 days fan fiction) He Tian x red head
FanfictionPart Two of 19 days Lost without You series (Should be read before Adversity is a Gift) (Please just skip the bad porn in chapters one, two and three. I gave myself a huge slap and decided to write a proper story instead 😂) Mo Guan Shan is certain...