Chapter 4

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I felt horrible for lying to him. I should’ve just told him the truth. The next morning I found another letter by the door from him. Should I open it? Should I not? Should I? I should.

Dear Belle,

School starts in 5 days. Maybe we can go back to normal, or at least back to like it was in freshman year. You know, back in the days when you ignored me and basically hated everything about me. Well, you hate everything about me now too, but at least back then, you talked to me. Even though it was all mean things. I miss you. I miss how we used to do everything together. This is my last letter to you, I swear. I won’t bother you again. So for the last time, I’m asking you to hear me out. To listen. Maybe even forgive. I made a stupid mistake and I miss you.

Love, M.

This kid really knew how to make a girl feel emotional. How crazy it may sound, I didn’t want the letters to stop coming. I wanted him to continue writing.

I spend the whole day unpacking boxes and suitcases. The next morning I woke up to a, basically almost, finished rental house. The only thing left was the garden, so I guess it didn’t take as long as I thought it would.

I met up with Katherine, Julie and Connor at the Plaza, 8.00pm sharp. We sat down at our usual table and ordered the same we always did. The Plaza has some of the best food in the whole of California, or at least, that’s what we think.
   As our food arrived, a voice was heard from the speakers
Unfortunately, tonight’s performer is having some technical problems. He will most likely not be on tonight.”
I met Connor’s confused look and as I moved my eyes from him over to Julie and Katherine I could see the concern looks in their eyes.
“You should go check on him, Y/N.” Katherine said and I could see Julie and Connor nodding in agreement. I did as she told me and started walking over towards the scene, where a guy with a guitar over his shoulder sat.
“Uhm… Excuse me?” I asked quietly. “Do you know where I can find Shawn?”
“He’s in the back.” The guitarist answered and nodded towards the backdoor. As I entered the door I could hear him talking to himself.
“Hey Shawn?” I said carefully before entering the backstage area. “You okay?” He was sitting with his back turned away from me. His hair was a mess, due to the amount of times he pulled his fingers through it. He didn’t have a shirt on. Usually, this would make me go crazy because damn he has a nice back. But I could see how upset he was, so I didn’t think about anything else but that right now. He turned around and when he saw me, he got up and embraced me in a tight hug.
“I can’t do this.” He said in-between his sobs. I hushed him while caressing his back.
“Of course you can Shawn.” I said and tried to calm him down. “Pretend like we’re the only ones in the audience. You’ll make it.”
“I-I…” he started but I interrupted him.
“Shawn. You’re performing tonight. End of discussion.” I tossed him a shirt and pulled him out on stage. “You can do this.” I whispered before joining the others. He looked really nervous as he picked up his guitar. Come on Shawn. Just look at me. I thought to myself. His eyes met mine and I gave him an assuring look. He took a step towards the mic, still looking at me. Then he took a deep breath, looked over at Julie who nodded for him to begin. And he did.

Life Long Letters - a Matthew Espinosa FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now