Chapter 21

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It was evening time, and the sky ended up turning gray from a storm that would soon come. You sat in the room all day without even attempting to escape. You were just too sad. Your attention was diverted to the door when you heard it unlock and open.

"Hey, I'm back." You didn't say anything to Chuuya, and continued to lay silently on the bed and wallow in sadness. Chuuya made his way over to you. "What's the matter with you?" He poked at you, receiving no response.

"Go away." You mumbled.

"No. Why are you so sad all of a sudden?" 

"Why is it your concern?" You asked quietly. He rolled his eyes.

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to have dinner with me, instead of here alone in this room. I figured you'd be bored of eating in here by now." You lifted your head up to meet his gaze. Something about him looked..different. In a good way, but still..

"Why aren't you in your usual outfit? Don't you have to go back to work?" Your sadness was slowly leaving your mind as you analyzed the man in front of you. He was wearing a black shirt that was tucked into his pants. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and he looked more casual.

"I'm off early today. Plus, I heard that there's gonna be a thunderstorm. I know how much of a sissy you are when it comes to those." You couldn't help but smile slightly at him. It almost sounded like he was concerned for you. Yet, there was still a small void in your heart that kept you from feeling fully happy.

"Chuuya..why can't I go? Back home, I mean." He groaned at the question.

"Don't start this again.." He mumbled.

"I'm not trying to start anything. I just..I miss everyone. I miss my old life. Can you really blame me for wanting to leave?" You kept your gaze on Chuuya, trying to read him. 

"I know. I get that, but I can't let you go. Believe me, if I could then I would. All you do is cause extra work for me. It's not like I signed up to take care of you."

"Why do I have to stay here? What do you need me for?" Your patience was running out with him constantly keeping the truth from you. "And how long am I gonna be stuck here? You can't keep me in the dark all the time!" You were sitting up by now, looking up at him from your place on the edge of the bed.

"Look, Y/N, I already said that I'm not--" You stood up and grabbed him by the shoulders, forcing him to look directly into your eyes. The surprise on his face was evident, and you did your best to keep from tearing up due to frustration. You took a deep breath and finally spoke.

"Just tell me the truth."

Chuuya sighed quietly. He gently grabbed your wrists and removed your hands from his shoulders. He lowered them and kept your hands placed in his, not breaking eye contact. His gaze was soft, and he looked as if he was even a little sad--guilty, more like. He stared into your E/C eyes for what seemed like forever, and you couldn't help but stare back. It's as if he was trying so hard to find the answers of questions he didn't even know he had, all by looking into your eyes.

"You..stupid punk. It's becaus--" A large thunder clap erupted, catching the two of you off guard and causing you to yelp in surprise. Chuuya quickly took a step back from you to move the window curtain and look outside. "Guess the storm's here earlier than I thought." He said to himself whilst watching the sky turn darker. The lights flickered, and rain began pouring down loudly. A shiver ran up your spine, and you moved closer to him for a sense of security. 

"What now?" You asked, your voice slightly shaky. Chuuya took your wrist and led you out into the hallway. "Where are we going?"

"To find some candles." He responded. Another thunder clap was heard, and the lights flickered again. You hoped this night would go by quickly. Yet, at the same time you didn't. Maybe it was actually enjoyed spending time with Chuuya? 

No, that couldn't be it..

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