Chapter 10

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Summer stared at the doctor in confusion before looking at Prue and Emilia.

They sat in an awkward silence. Prue and Emilia shared a look before looking at Summer.

"Who's the bald man?" The three year old asks randomly.

"He's a sleep doctor." Prue said softly. "He's going to help you sleep."

Frowning, Summer turns to look at the doctor. "You can help me sleep?"

The doctor nodded. "If you'll let me."

Nodding her head, Summer reaches up to rub her eyes tiredly.

"Summer don't rub your eyes." Prue warned.

Whining, Summer drops her arms and looks at Prue, her blue eyes were filled with exhaustion.

"Stop whining." Prue said. She was getting tired of Summer not sleeping. She wondered if this was how her parents felt when she was a child.

Tears filled the little girl's eyes and she looks down at her hands.

Prue sighed. "I'm going to go for a walk. It's warm in here." She stood up and left the room.

Emilia shook her head and moved over to Summer, she didn't understand Prue lately.

"Mama," Summer sobs out, reaching for Emilia.

"Hey, it's okay." Emilia said softly, bringing Summer into her lap.

The three year old buries her face in Emilia's neck.

"I would like to run some tests, the first thing we'll start with is a sleep study." The doctor says softly.

"A sleep study?" Emilia questioned.

"A sleep study is where Summer stays overnight in one of our sleep study offices, we hook her up to some machines and monitor her brain waves while she sleeps." The doctor responds.

"That sounds complicated." Emilia said.

The doctor shakes his head, "No, it's not really complicated."

"It sounds like it is." Emilia shrugged.

"Understandable, but it's not, I can assure you of that." The doctor responds.

Summer shifts in Emilia's arms and releases a soft yawn.

Emilia nodded. She ran her fingers through Summer's hair.

"Alright, we'll set this up for you at the desk." The doctor says standing up.

Emilia nodded, standing up and placing Summer on her hip.

Summer yawns again and nuzzles Emilia's neck.

Emilia rubbed Summer's back as the doctor walked her out of the room.

"Mama, sleepy." The three year old mumbles tiredly.

"I know you are, the doctor is going to try to help you." Emilia said softly.

Nodding, Summer curls into Emilia even more. "Sing to me?"

"Okay." Emilia said. She began humming a song.

Slowly, Summer relaxed against Emilia and fell asleep.

Emilia organised Summer's next appointed and carried Summer out of the building before going to look for Prue.

Emilia got halfway down the street before someone stopped her.

"You look just like her." The man said stepping in front of Emilia.


Emilia frowns and steps back. "Do I know you?"

"I'm your grandfather." The man said. "I'm Mike, your mom's father."

Prue walks over and wraps an arm around Emilia. "Come on, mom wants us home."

"Wait, please." Mike said. "I want to get to know you."

"I'm sorry, but I don't know you." Emilia responds, walking over to her car with Prue.

"Then get to know me, please. I'm your grandfather." Mike said, stopping her from opening the door.

Prue tensed up immediately and pushed him away from Emilia. "Back off, Em, get Summer in her seat."

"Please, Emilia." The man begged.

Emilia ignored him, putting Summer in her carseat before moving over to the passenger seat and quickly getting in.

"Stay away from us." Prue growls out, getting into the driver's seat and locking the doors.

"Who is that man?" Emilia asked as Prue started the engine.

"Good question." Prue responds, pulling out of the parking lot. "Call Mom." She says after pushing a button.

'Calling Mom.' The car responded before the sound of a phone ringing enters the car.

"Hello?" Camila's voice came through the phone.

"Mom, some guy just stopped Emi as we left Summer's appointment. Claims his name is Mike and he is her grandfather." Prue says calmly, stopping at a redlight.

"Okay. Don't panic. Just come straight home." Camila said calmly.

Prue starts driving again and frowns when she sees another car in the rearview mirror that's been behind them since they left the appointment. "I think he's following us."

"Just come home. I'll deal with him when you get here." Camila said.

Taking a deep breath, Prue turns down the road. "Okay, we'll be there in about ten minutes."

"Okay." Camila said before she hung up.


Ten minutes later, Prue pulled into the driveway with the car following her. She got Summer out of the car and rushed Emilia inside just as Mike gets out of the car.

"He's out there." Prue says immediately upon seeing Camila and Dinah.

Camila got up and went to the front door.

"What's going on?" Lauren asked as she came out of the kitchen carrying Evie.

"Some guy named Mike cornered Emilia after Summer's appointment and then followed us home." Prue says calmly.

"Mike?!" Lauren breathed.

Nodding her head, Prue frowns. "He kept blocking her until I shoved him away."

Lauren nodded, taking a deep breath. She put Evie down and made her way outside.

When she got outside, Camila was fighting Mike off of herself and had a bloody lip.

"Camz!" Lauren said, shock washing over her.

"Lauren, call 911!" Camila yells as she continues fighting Mike off.

Lauren pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialled 911.


Camila was in the kitchen holding a pack of frozen peas to her jaw.

Lauren ran her fingers through her hair and sighed.

"I want you to get a restraining order." Camila breathes out, wincing in pain.

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