Welcome to My Life

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I'll start by being honest and saying I doubted so much before starting to write this book, how do I write the story of my life? There's so much to say! And what of it would be important? Is it even important?! Alright, breathe, calm down.
As a writer I have viewed my life as a book which is always writing itself, unfolding before my eyes if you will. I'm a tad, well, really dramatic but I'm also good at noticing those minor details that can make you feel truly alive.
From the time of my adoption up until now my life has been one crazy ride, but there again, who's isn't? Needless to say who am I now and who I was back then differ greatly, it's been a long way...even if I'm only 18 years old I feel like I've lived a lot.
My country also brings quite a bunch of things to the table, not only did it gave me my mother tongue, my culture and an scenario for my life to unfold...but so much more. Venezuela can't be summed up that easily, there's probably a "meme" out there to help me out with that one, nevertheless I'll try my best to describe it.
But if it is my story then...Who am I? What makes me me?
I'm writing this so you realize you're not alone, you're not a freak and your life could be extrordinary if you just knew how to picture it right.

Thank you so much if you read up until here!

Welcome to my life,
with much love
Bel :3

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