"Where's Jisoo Unnie?" Lisa asks as she grabs her stuff."Maybe still asleep?" Chaeyoung says while closing the blanket on the couch. "Is She Okay? She seems extremely exhausted."
"Unnie, you Okay!?" Lisa asks.
"I'll go find her." Jennie says while keeping the blanket wrapped around her.
She runs into Jisoo and Chaeyoung's room, and flops onto Jisoo's bed with a giggle.
"Let me sleep!" Jisoo laughs covering her head with a blanket.
Jennie slips under the covers and wraps her arms around a sleepy Jisoo.
"This is all your fault. You tired me out last night and didn't let me sleep." Jisoo mumbles.
Jisoo giggles and snuggles into her neck. "Jichu yah, I didn't do anything."
"Do you want to?" Jisoo smiles pressing a kiss to Jennie's forehead.
"Yah! Get up!" Lisa laughs, pulling on Jennie's legs.
"Nooo!!" Jennie whines.
"Come on, come on!" Lisa chuckles.
"Ugh you guys are the worst." Jisoo groans while covering her head.
"We have to get to the studio." Lisa says.
"Give us ten minutes." Jennie says.
"Fine, ten minutes. That's it!" Lisa says. "And I'm not closing the door!"
"That's What the blankets for!" Jennie says while climbing back under it. "Unnie did you take off your pants?" She giggles.
"I'm getting a head start." Jisoo chuckles.
"Hey! I said ten minutes! That's not enough time for sex!" Lisa shouts from the living room.
"Speak for yourself!"
"The door is still open perverts!" Chaeyoung laughs.
"Stop talking! It's turning me off!" Jisoo laughs.
Jennie chuckles as she lays on top of Jisoo. They weren't actually doing anything. Jisoo's eyes haven't even opened since Jennie came into the room.
Jennie lifts her head from Jisoo's warm neck and kisses her lips. "Get up sleepy head."
"Aniy." Jisoo mumbles while rolling them over.
"GET UP!!!" Lisa shouts while hitting them with Chaeyoung's pillow.
Lisa walked into the bathroom to hear Chaeyoung singing her lungs out.
She chuckles and walks over to the sink to brush her teeth.
"Yes I have a Girlfriend!" Chaeyoung sings.
"And I'm never lonely!" Lisa finishes.
"AAAHHHH!" Chaeyoung shouts. "Yah Lalisa! You scared me!"
"Sorry baby," Lisa chuckles. "You seem to be having a fun time."
"I am. Showering is the best." Chaeyoung says while shutting it off.
"You know what would be even better?"
"If you told me you were going to shower."
"And why's that?" Chaeyoung smirks while stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around herself.
"So that I could shower too." Lisa winks.
"Yo, I need toothpaste." Jisoo says while walking into the bathroom. Not caring what so ever that Chaeyoung was practically naked.
"Here." Lisa says while tossing it to her.
"Has anyone seen my good bra?" Jennie asks while walking into the bathroom with only a bra on.
"Jennie I really don't appreciate you flaunting what's mine, in front of the Maknae's." Jisoo mumbles through brushing her teeth.
"Sorry Chu," Jennie says while looking around. "But have you seen it?"
"Check my bed." Jisoo shrugs.
"I have been living with you guys for way too long." Chaeyoung sighs. "We've reached a new level of comfortable."
"Privacy doesn't exist anymore Chaeyoungie." Lisa smiles while kissing her cheek and walking out of the bathroom.
"Do you guys mind?" Chaeyoung says looking at her unnies as she tightens the towel around her.
"No, go ahead." Jisoo says while washing her face.
"I'm not getting naked in front of you guys!" Chaeyoung says.
"Why not? We've seen you naked before." Jennie shrugs.
"This is different. This is not a public bath. I'm embarrassed." Chaeyoung blushes.
"Stop trying to get my girlfriend naked!" Lisa shouts.
Jisoo and Jennie laugh as they leave the bathroom. "Gosh, So easy to tease." Jisoo chuckles.
"Wow it feels so good to be back in here again." Jennie sighs while sitting on the couch in the studio.
"Agreed." Lisa says before taking a sip of her water.
They watched proudly as Jisoo and Chaeyoung stood in the booth, recording any harmony's and Ad libs together.
"I'm hungry." Lisa whines while leaning her head on Jennie's shoulder.
"Gosh me too." Jennie sighs.
"Just a little longer guys." Teddy chuckles. "Lets run it one more time." He says to Chaeyoung and Jisoo.
Lisa and Jennie give them an encouraging thumbs up before Jisoo and Chaeyoung start recording again.
After a long day at work the four of them returned home in time for dinner.
"I'll make dinner." Jennie says as they enter the house.
"I'll help Unnie." Chaeyoung says.
"Lets go play, Lisa!" Jisoo says while excitedly pulling Lisa up the stairs.
Chaeyoung giggles and Jennie shakes her head at them. "Children." She says.
A little less than a half an hour later, Lisa and Jisoo were hidden under a blanket. Their head phones were plugged in, as they stared at the pc screen in front of them.
"How much do we have left?" Jisoo asks as she maneuvers the controls.
"69%..." Lisa says quietly before letting out a little giggle.
"Shh. This is serious business." Jisoo scolds.
"Sorry Unnie." Lisa says while getting serious again.
The two were playing five nights of Freddie's, a horror game suggested by Jisoo.
Lisa was holding tightly onto her arm as she watched Jisoo switch between the cameras of the game.