Going to America!

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So I wake up.....AND WE LATE I throw on my pants and shirt and yell at lillian to wake up we grab our money and suitcase and GO!We were so nervous we weren't going to make it but we did!Thank goodness and I sat next to Nathan and I had a window seat YAY and Lillian was right behind me and next to her was Jay, or what she likes to say. her big brother!So we landed in New York, New York and I can just tell this is going to be fun!There are so many stores and that was just the airport next thing we know we're swarmed by fans and I hug Nathan for impact but he's the most lovable so they just go swarming to him of course!Lillian just seem to make them all back off I think she started threating them!!Oh Lillian I love you!I saw Siva and SIm take a few pictures together and they looked adourable together really couldn't think of a better couple oh wait me and Nathan!Well after all the madness we checked into our hotel which wasn't as fancy as they boys and Sims!Their hotel was right next to us and it was beautiful but hey as king as we have a bed we're good and we have a nice pool too oh yea even thought we don;t know how to swim!Well I went to the pool Lillian came along too but stayed out and watched since SHE doesn't like the water that weirdo her!As I was swiming around in the sallow end the boys and SIm come over and jump in the pool startling me!I fall underwater catching my breath and then Nathan comes up to me and says hi!


Sarah:Oh hi!

Nathan:Come to the deep end with me

Sarah:Oh um no I don't think so

Nathan:Well why not

Sarah:I can't swim

Nathan:Oh well give me your hand I'll make sure you stay alive!

Sarah:Haha okay!

Later when we were all done swiming we dried off and went out to eat for dinner since in the morning the boys were going to be going on I don't know know how many shows and they want us to come on a few of them with them!I said yes thinking about how I could convice the world that Nathan was mine forget the haters I would have the man of my dreams!So it's the morning and we get up took showers and met the boys at Starbucks and me and Lillian kinda went crazy with our money there and once they came we went off to the first place and we all went on!

Inteveiwer:So you guys how is it like to finally make it in America?

Jay:It's great we now know we have some more fans here and that well people actually seem to like us

Inteiviewer:Well that's nice  well has there been any favorite times you've had

Max:Well everytime is truly amazing becuase we're singing to all our fans out there thats the best time of them all!

Inteiveiwer:Nathan who is this and your lady friend people saw you at the airport and started saying things about yout tell us Nathan what's happening

All uf a sudden me and Nathan start blushing like crazy and he finally says

Nathan:I don't know whatr wea re yet but I'm hoping that we will rise in our friendship

Inteviewer:Oh  Well what about you what do you think about this?

Sarah:Um haha well I've loved Nathan I'm a fangirl like all of you and of course I would for there to be more than just friendship between us what girl wouldn't want that!? 

Inteveiwer:Nice answer so well that's all the time we have so until next time goodbye!

Nathan:Hey Sarah you were great!

Sarah:Thanks you were too!

Nathan:I have to ask you a question

Lillian:Sarah I need you!

Sarah:I'm sorry could you tell me later!?

Nathan:Yea sure

Sarah:Great at the peir at 6 okay?!

Nathan:Sounds like a plan! 

that's it for this one hope you liked comment please and contiune reading!

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