Man with a Mission new songs and new album!

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Wolves have long been oppressed under the rules of Pigs for 100 years. But not for much longer!  Here is the awesome video for TAKE ME UNDER!


🐺 Vs 🐷

Take Me Under / Winding Road will be released in Japan on 18 April and available digitally to the rest of the world on 20 April..

🐺 Vs 🐷Take Me Under / Winding Road will be released in Japan on 18 April and available digitally to the rest of the world on 20 April

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and more great Songs...

Song: The Anthem ⬆⬆


Song: Freak It! ⬆⬆⬆

ft. Tokyo Ska Paradies Orchestra


Song: Winding Road ⬆⬆⬆
Opening from Anime Golden Kamuy.


Song: Dog Days ⬆⬆


Song: Dead End in Tokyo. ⬆⬆⬆


So these are some of the songs I found in YouTube! Probably the next days continue to come songs! I am so happy! do you like the band? or some songs? ❤‿❤

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