Chapter 17 (Edited)

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A/N: Here is a chapter for ya'll. ^-^/



I stared at the symbol on the door, my brows furrowed in confusion. I had seen this sign before, but I had no idea when.

It looked like a dragon, a pegasus, and a wolf had a baby with wings that looked like scythes and breathing fire. The back half of this weird picture was a dragon. The front half was a wolf with a pegasus's head and neck. The tail was wrapped around the body with one of the wolf's claws sticking out. The mouth of this animal was open, breathing out fire. The wings, which were scythes, were near the body, the tip of it facing the tail.

A warm hand startled me out of my stupor, and I turned my focus to the person. Clarissa was staring at me with worry, her lips pressed into a thin line. Her eyes held this knowledge in them, and I could tell that she knew what the thing was.

"Are you ok?" Theodore asked, causing me to look at him.

"Ya, sorry," I said. I placed my fingers on the bridge of my nose and took in a deep breath, feeling exhausted. "The time change is just catching up with me."

Theodore nodded his head, concern filling his eyes. He didn't believe me, but I knew that he wouldn't ask.

Tasha squeezed my hand, causing me to look at her. A frown was on her lips, and I knew that she could tell that something was bugging me. 'Did you get any sleep last night?' she asked. 'Or on the plane?'

Last night. I turned eighteen and was rejected last night. Damn, it felt like ages ago. With all the stuff that happened today, it felt as if it was a lifetime ago.

'Small bits,' I replied. "I'm fine," I said, shaking my head and clearing away the thoughts that were wanting to take over. "Can we get going?"

Clarissa frowned but nodded her head. She gestured for us to follow her through the door, causing us to be greeted by the sweet stench of rum and smoke.

I stayed silent as I looked around, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting and haziness.

The laughter stopped when we entered the area, and all eyes were on us. There was tension in the air, and I could tell that it was because of Tasha and me.

'They know you. Why?' I asked Theodore, causing him to stiffen. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, following Clarissa to the bar area.

'How do you know?' he asked.

'They aren't lookin' at you,' I replied. I squeezed Tasha's hand, feeling her move closer to me.

"Yo, Class," a male said. "Where did ye find these two?" he asked, gesturing to us. "Ye ain't supposed to be bringing in people unless ye talk to Boss."

There were a few murmurs of agreement, causing Clarissa to roll her eyes.

"Wait, what?" Theodore asked, furrowing his brows in confusion. "You come here?"

Clarissa scowled at him. She didn't say a word as she pointed to the stools. "Sit," she grunted. "Don't move and don't start any fights." She glared at me, causing me to hold my hands up in a mock innocence.

"I won't," I promised, causing her scowl to deepen. "Unless someone starts."

She narrowed her eyes and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Whatever," she asked. "Just sit still and be nice."

I nodded my head and sat down on the bar stool with Tasha at my side. I watched as both she and Theodore leave us, causing me to frown.

Someone cleared their throat, causing me to look at them. The bartender, a Demon, smiled, and I could tell that it was forced. "What will you two have?" he asked.


I moved my fingers through my hair, making sure that he could see the ether fire on the base of my neck, the insignia for the Demons. "Water for both, please," I said, putting my hair back in its place.

The Demon relaxed his stance and nodded his head. He went to get us our waters, causing everyone to relax and return to whatever they were doing.

I glanced around the room, my whole body still tense. I could feel their gazes on me every once in a while, and I wondered if they knew who my mother was.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up at attention when I felt one particular gaze on me. I scowled and narrowed my eyes as I scratched my head with my middle finger. 'Grandpa Fernos is here,' I said to Tasha, causing her to tense. 'Busy my ass.'

"Here," the Demon said, causing me to smile.

"Thank you," I said, causing him to grunt and nod his head.

He started to clean the table in front of us. "So, where are you two from?" he asked.

"America," I replied, taking a sip of the drink. "Can't you tell by the accents?" I watched as two men sat on either side of Tasha and me, making sure that I kept my body relaxed.

"Then why are ye over here?" the male that had spoken to Clarissa asked.

"Business," I grunted. I twisted the drink around, keeping an eye on the male beside Tasha.

"Oh?" the man asked. He placed his hand on my knee, causing the hand gripping my drink to tighten. "What type of business?"

I turned my body towards him and smiled, the urge to toss the water at him strong. "The one where you'll get an ass-whooping if you do not remove your hand," I replied.

The male moved his hand closer to my private area, causing me to growl out a warning. "Come now, Love," he said. "I know what will make ye happy."

"You should listen to her, Oliver," the Demon warned. "If what my king has said about her, then your face is what I will be serving for the next month or a half."

The male snorted, not removing his hand. "Of course she would know him," he said, sarcastically. "She ain't the Red Wolf's child. They are the only ones with the background in different species."

"The Lass is the Red Wolf's child," I replied. I glanced at Fernos and saw him nod his head before turning my attention back to the male in front of me. "The oldest female in fact, so I suggest you remove your hand."

"And, what are ye going to do if I don't, Love?" he asked. He leaned forward, the smell of gin on his breath. "Kiss me?" He closed his eyes and made a kissy face.

I smirked and brought my fist back. "Pucker up to this," I said, before punching him in the mouth. I wrenched myself out of his grasp and moved Tasha away from the male. "Here, can she go back there?" I asked, looking at the Demon male.

The Demon male nodded his head and helped me get Tasha over the bar counter.

I shoved them back and ducked when someone tried to slam my head into the counter. I twisted my body around and kicked the person that was about to do it.

The person grunted and moved away when another person jumped at me.

I kicked the legs of that person out from underneath him before jumping up. I kept my eyes trained on the men before me, my body humming with anticipation.

One by one, and sometimes multiple people at once started to attack. They all had revenge in their eyes, and I could tell that they didn't like me because I was an outsider.

I dodged and attack them back, making sure that they wouldn't surround me and try to beat me up that day. I wrenched myself out of my jacket when some grabbed it and tossed it another person before punching them.

"Harry, look," a male hissed, catching the sight of my dagger. He backed away from me, holding his hands up.

I nodded my head to him and watched as about half of the patrons move away from me. I could tell that they were either Fae or Witch or Warlock because they were the only ones that could see the dagger.

"Ye all are bloody pussies!" the male, Oliver, seethed, glaring at the Warlocks, Faes, and Witches. He growled and bared his teeth. "Yer going to let her walk in and fight?"

"They see something that you do not," I said, kicking the last male in the balls and tossing him to the side. "You are the one that is the pussy." I licked my lips, tasting the blood on it from someone who had punched me in the face. "Mmph, nice hit whoever punched me in the face. I didn't realize it."

Oliver roared in defiance and charged at me. Murder filled his eyes, causing me to back up a step.

Again, I glanced at Grandpa Fernos, causing him to nod his head. I dodged his attack and twisted to the side away from him. I took my dagger out of its sheath and slammed the hilt of the dagger into his head, knocking him out cold.

I didn't stop there because I was known for being a pain and threw the dagger at Grandpa Fernos, knocking the drink out of his hands.

He paused and raised his eyebrow at me while my dagger created a loud thud into the wall behind him.

"Busy my fucking ass."


A/N: I love Ky. xD

YES 🤣😂😂🤣 I was waiting for this.

قبل 4 سنة

I love this girl! Don't fuck with the Red Wolf's daughter! She taught them a great lesson on two! You go girl!

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