I will always love you Pt.7

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Bill's POV

"Hey Butterfly I'm going out for a bit. I shouldn't be long" I say to (y/n), who's lying on her bed. "K see ya," She says, not even looking up from her book. I teleport away.

"Hey, Pinetree! I have some news for ya!" I say, appearing in Dipper's room. "Ah! Bill!" He says, dropping his journal, he does this every time I pop by it's hilarious! "What do you want? Where's (y/n)? Don't hurt her! I'm not giving you the journal!" He's rambling so I snap my fingers to shut him up. "Oh be quiet. She's fine. That's actually why I'm here. I've decided (y/n) isn't coming back. She'll be staying with me. I don't really need the journal right now and if I do I can always get it another way." I snap my fingers again, interested in his response. He gasps, "No! Why would you keep her? You piece of shit!" I laugh, "Watch your language. You're only 12. And I'm keeping her because she's mine." I smile, "And I'm hers." I laugh again, "In a sense." I can almost see the gears turning in his head as he figures out what I mean. "You mean- You guys are dating?! That's insane! You must've put a spell on her!" I chuckle, "I'm afraid, Pinetree, I have not, in fact, put any spell on her. Now I really must be going. Bye!" I tip my hat and disappear.

"Hey Butterfly!" I appear floating above (y/n), who's still lying in bed reading. "Ah! Bill! Not funny!" she replies, dropping her book on her chest. I chuckle at how similar her reaction is to Pinetree's. She sits up and puts the origami triangle I made for her in the book as a bookmark then places the book on her bedside table. "What do you want?" She frowns at me. "Why I just wanted to say hi!" I reply, wrapping my arms around her waist and picking her up, spinning her around. Now we're both floating.

Your POV

I laugh, "Bill! What are you doing?" "Just showing my Butterfly how much I love her!" Bill put's me down and kisses me on the lips, he's still floating about 3 inches off the ground. I freeze, "You- you love me?" Bill furrows his brows, "Of course I do. That's why I went and told Pinetree that you would be staying here. Even if he gave up the journal." He grabs my hands and floats down to stand in front of me. I've never seen Bill so sweet and kind. "You would- You would do that for me?" Instead of answering Bill just wraps me in his arms and kisses me.

Suddenly Bill looks really surprised. His eyes widen and he stares at nothing. Bill let's go of me and pushes me away. "I have to go. Someone is summoning me. If I'm not back in two hours there should be food in the fridge. Don't worry about me." He says. "But-" I begin to protest but he's already gone.

Bill's POV~ sorry for switching so much!

I look around and notice I'm in a forest. On the ground? Oh my god. I'm shackled to the ground. I can't stand up. I can't float or use my powers. I look in front of me and see Pinetree, Shooting Star, both Grunkles, Sues, and Wendy. Moving my neck as far as I can I see a devils trap. But not just any devils trap, the only one that can hold me. The shackles are on my arms and legs keeping me from standing up. They glow a bright blue that slightly hurts my eyes. Pains not as funny when it's your body. There's also a shackle around my neck, it's heavy and without my powers, it's harder for me to lift my neck. "Bill! We demand (y/n) back!" Pinetree pipes up. I lift my neck as far as I can and look up at him, blowing the hair out of my face, "Not gonna happen Pinetree. Plus, it's not like I can do anything without my powers." I smirk, and Dipper steps up and punches me in the cheek. Wow, for a little guy he sure can pack a punch when he's angry. Six Fingers puts his hand on Dippers shoulder and steps up to speak to me, "We'll give you one more chance Bill. You know I have weapons that could hurt you beyond belief." I give a fake laugh, "Pain is HILARIOUS." Ford glares at me, "Oh shut up. I know that you don't like it when pain is inflicted on YOUR body. Plus without your powers in this weakened state, you feel pain as badly as the rest of us." Damn it, he called my bluff. "Ok ok. Here. Give me just a tiny bit of my powers back and I can show you a live feed of (y/n) where she is perfectly happy and fine. Ford thinks for a minute. "Fine." He then mutters a short incantation and I can feel just a tiny bit of power return to me.

I snap my fingers, lifting my hand off the ground, and a live stream of (y/n) comes up. She's standing in front of the T.V pressing the button to change channels. Oops, forgot to get a remote. They're all fixated on the live stream so without them noticing I use a tiny bit more magic. A live stream of us watching (y/n) appears on her T.V screen. She looks shocked and turns around to see where the angle of the video is. She stands off to the side of the T.V so she can see it and look at the 'camera' at the same time. "Bill? Everyone else? What's going on? Can you guys hear me?" I smile, "Sure can Butterfly. I'm in a bit of a predicament and need you to talk some sense into them." She frowns and crosses her arms, "Ok, easy. But I need you to bring me there." I sigh, "No can do Butterfly. A. I don't have enough power." I glare at Ford, "And B. There's no way you're coming here because they won't let you leave." Dipper turns to me, "You heard her! Bring her here!" I roll my eyes, "Hey, kiddo," I raise my arms as far as I can and shake my shackles, "These have kinda drained my power except for the little that Six Fingers gave me. But that's not enough. Plus I'm not bringing her here even if I could." Dipshit steps up and slaps me, screaming in my face, "WE WILL GIVE YOU JUST ENOUGH POWER AND YOU WILL BRING HER BACK!" Mabel has to pull him back. "Dipper! Stop! Leave him alone! He's just trying to protect me!" Says (y/n), and Dipper looks at the screen, tears in his eyes. "Ok... We miss you. And we're getting you back. Or we WILL hurt Bill." He then turns to glare at me. Ford walks to stand in front of me and says the same chant as earlier. I feel a little more power come back. "Fine, fine, ok. But I need my chains off. Don't worry I can't leave the circle." "No! No way!" Six fingers yells. "Ok fine. Can you just make them long enough so I can stand?" I ask, rolling my eyes. Ford mutters something and the chains grow long enough so I can stand. "Finally." I stretch, I've been crouched like that for an hour and a half. I yawn and snap my fingers, and (y/n) appears in front of me, and I wrap my arms around her.

Aaaaaand that's it for this chapter! Hope you enjoyed! What will happen next? Ok ok I'm so sorry for not updating sooner I've been super busy and honestly, depression has hit me again so I haven't had to motivation... Please comment! Also, I can't draw so if any artists can please draw the scenes with Bill chained! Also if someone would like to draw an original cover that would be lit. Email them here if you do! Thx! HannahNeedsAHobbyatgmail.com I have to write "at" because it was like tag a user but it's actually the at sign k thx bye

Just a toy (Bill Cipher x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora