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Thank you so much for your lovely comments and votes...

I think in previous episode i may got good response due to the first step to unite abhigya but i didn't get like that

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I think in previous episode i may got good response due to the first step to unite abhigya but i didn't get like that... Now i have to work hard to get your valuable comments and votes...

I will try my best to gain your attention towards this story... Now let's get into the story...

The story starts with MM,

The guests are start to arrive for the rockstar's and his brother's engagement... All are happy finally their rockstar going to marry except him... Few girls may be heart broken with this news but its nothing while comparing to the pain of pragya which is she going through now and hiding herself while acts like she is happy...

 Few girls may be heart broken with this news but its nothing while comparing to the pain of pragya which is she going through now and hiding herself while acts like she is happy

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Purab comes alone with his brother Abhi in downwards while speaking to him happily... For the first time abhi feels like a dumb because even knowing his brother is speaking to him only the words are didn't reached his ears...

Both looks like a prince charming... They waits for their pair... After few seconds the queens of these princes comes with breath taking beauty... Purab can't take the eyes from bulbul... same with bulbul also...

But both abhi and pragya didn't have a guts to look at each other... Because they know if they sees each other sure they will break down completely without minding the surroundings... Both controlled their tears when they hears purab ask a hand to help pragya for climb the steps....

 Both controlled their tears when they hears purab ask a hand to help pragya for climb the steps

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