Dinner Planning

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The group went to Big Belly Burger to talk about the mission.

"So in order to catch this guy, we need to figure out where he is or where he's gonna be." Oliver announced.

"Is this really how you guys figure out how to get your target, over burgers and shakes?" Felicity asked.

Carly came over with the salt, "Sorry it took so long. I'm taking care of some particularly rowdy customers."

Diggle looks over at the rowdy kids, "You need me to handle that?"

"I appreciate it, but I'm a pro by now." Carly replied.

"I'm here if you need me." Diggle smiled.

"Girlfriend?" Felicity asked.

"My sister-in-law. Sort of." Diggle murmured.

"Carly was married to Dig's brother." Oliver clarified. "And he passed away."

"Looks like she's hot for you." Felicity pointed out.

"That's what I've been saying!" Trisha agreed with her.

"Can we get back to crime fighting please?" Dig asked.

"Actually, Dig, I was thinking that you should ask her out." Oliver smiled and looked over at him.

"Really? I'll do that five minutes after you ask out McKenna." Diggle rebuttled back and Trisha glared at him.

"The detective on the Dodger case. You have a thing for her?" Felicity raised her brow at Oliver.

"Yes." Diggle replied for him.

"I don't see you asking Carly out." Oliver grumbled and Diggle left to go talk to her. "Felicity, this guy is targeting a very specific type of jewel. We figure out why and we figure out how to catch him."

"I have an idea." Felicity announced to him and Trisha. "Why don't I work up a little tech and you distract the detective with flirty flirt and slip said tech onto her phone. We'll know everything she does on the case."

Trisha giggled, "That's not how he typically finds his information."

"How do you typically do it then?" Felicity looks at Oliver.

"I find the person. Then I put the fear of God in them until they talk, but we'll try it your way."

Trisha arrived at the bunker really late that night after The Dodger got away. "So now what do we do?"

"We set a trap for him at the Cancer Society Fundraiser auction tonight." Oliver told her.

"So I'm wearing a dress. Again?" Trish grumbled.

"Yeah." Oliver smiled at her attempting to show her that it'll be okay.

"Fine, but I'm coming fully loaded."


Trisha entered into the ballroom with Felicity. Trish was wearing a black skin tight dress to her knees with an open back except her sword was strapped to the small of her back and the sheath looked like a decorative piece. Oliver and Diggle walked up to them.

"So the GPS signal is still going strong. Have you given any thought of what might happen if The Dodger gets away with your family's jewels?" Felicity began.

"Just keep your eyes open, Felicity." Oliver said as she walked away and pulled Trish aside. "You never disappoint. You look incredible, as always."

"Awe thanks. I'm going to look around, I'll see you later."

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