I drove for the first time in over a week, from Bill's Produce to home again, but this time STRAIGHT home instead of going another way for extra practice
He has too much trust in me in my opinion 😂😂 But Im sure he knows what he's doing
I don't want to take the bus Friday cuz my older brother has his senior research presentation,, so idk what Im gonna do
Im sure ill figure it out
I have to work on my art project tomorrow morning, so lets hope I can get it done on time *crosses fingers*
Hey so I remember either yesterday or the day before, I sympathized with characters from a book, and when the teacher asked why, I wanted to express that Im an empathetic person without saying it straight up, cuz idk my mind is weird like that
So I said that I imagine myself in those character's shoes, which was not the perfect description I realized after I said it,and the teacher said "so instead of empathizing you personalize it"
And that kinda bothered me in a way cause that wasn't true, but I was too tired to speak up and explain further, so I just agreed
LD also switched from Oboe to Clarinet, cause the reeds for them were cheaper
As a flute player, I find reeds trippy
I should rewatch Avatar the Last Airbender
Hey so I mentioned to Rod about this Speedrun thing that I want to do
And I want to do it cuz it seems like a grand old time
Like hitting the game up and making jokes and telling stories and random conversations, and snacks, and the conversations don't necessarily need to be about the game
If you watch just a lil bit into the video, you'll probably be able to get what Im looking for
But yeah I rlly want to do this and yall should hit me up if/when you want to do this
This Speedrun (but lazy Speedrun) is on my bucketlist cuz it seems like a lotta fun

~Life of Keeks~ 2.0
RandomI mostly just derp around and write whatever, read at your own risk XD