She's blinded by her own self hate that she can't see the love that awaits.
Sierra, while holding this pain stays strong and figures out secrets that keep her going, secrets that her grandma kept her from knowing, her new found lost little sister, n...
Was it maybe 3 hours? or maybe 4, we had all packed and met in the middle of the town, I was half excited and half nervous because I was going to another realm and because I was meeting my sister along with becoming a princess and heir to a kingdom and I was one day going to have to rule over all the wolves in my grandma's kingdom. sierra? suddenly my grandma was in front of me trying to get my attention and I quickly snapped out of my trance and look at her," yes grandma?" I asked and she chuckled amused by how I seem to be in a such a trance around so many people so I pouted like a child and a little embarrassed. we are going to go soon just because we are royalty the hunters are going in first and escorting us, said grandma and I nodded following her and getting this weird feeling from knew something was up? I tried to ignore it quickly as suddenly as someone put down an orb and a huge portal appeared almost scaring the cheese out of me, though my grandma seems to just take a deep breath and smile as if happy.
the hunters go into the portal quickly making sure it's safe and soon I have to walk through it with my granda, she holds my hand tightly as if to reassure me and I take a deep breath before walking into the portal closing my eyes a bit scared, when I open them I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
I look around and see flowers of all colors, even some that seem not possible to be, I see the sky full of such a color of blue and some cloud with creatures I don't even know of yet flying through the air, some tree's and forests so big and so many, and the sparkly and blue with such creatures swimming in it. grandma looks to me in amusement and a smile as my face couldn't even express the amount of excitement and happiness in me right now and I feel like....this is truly the realm I belong to, I am home.
About I believe 3 hours later the kingdom was cleaned by the maids, the people in the kingdom were helping each other move in, the guards were already at their correct spots and on duty, and I was in my new room unpacking and putting away my art stuff as the maids put all my wardrobe away, I found out I had a personal maid named Maria and she is so sweet. I finished putting away my art supplies and Maria was still fixing up my wardrobe so I went out onto my balcony and saw the most amazing view of the kingdom and all its people, though i could see just outside of the kingdom it was like so many tree's you barely tell them apart and i wanted to roam in their but i knew that we were not the only wolves in here, and that there were also vampires so it was dangerous outside the kingdom.
I remember earlier Roland said he had some buisness to attend outside the kingdom which was weird but i let him go knowing that he would have gotten mad seems...right before we left he gave me this aditude sorta like the cold shoulder and didn't tell me anything, though, me and silver have been debating what kind of secrets he could have but never really decided on believing any of them. Now Maria had finished my wardrobe and i excused her but she said my grandma gave her orders to dress me into this like, flipping BEAUTIFUL light turquiose dress that aparently was made for me in the time that i was with my granda so with that Maria brung out the dress and like 4 other maid's came in and suddenlyi was pushed into the bathroom, they gave me a bath cleaning me thouroly and washing my hair with several different shampoos and then blow dried my hair as the others did my finger nails and toe nails, filing them and painting them midnight blue. After all of that they helped me into the dress then two did my makeup and lotion to make my skin soft, ad two others straightened my hair and did whatever to it, i was like enjoying it but kinda nervous because they did so much so when they were done and slipped me into some cute heels the same colors as the dress an i looked into the mirror in shock.
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(above is the dress)
Just then I felt something inside of me, like a string inside me, break and I was suddenly seeing something else, I looked in front of me and this guy with what looked like a vent sword or something was in front of me....and then....he ran towards me swining it at me...then my vision came back to where I was and I blinked a couple times not knowing what that was but before I could even try to make sense of it silver told me (it's Roland....I have a bad feeling) but when she said this I felt kinda curious and not as much worried....not like a worried sense I got so I got the idea that maybe he wasn't going anything bad outside the kingdom.
I heard commotion and got to the main ball room and saw guards holding down a guy with black hair and my grandma looking at him with hate, "grandmother what's going on" I ask walking up to them but suddenly feeling a bite in my leg and looking down seeing a black snake, before anyone notices the snake disappears and I look back to my grandma, "sweety he is a slave of the devados and we caught him lurking, guard's, out him in the dungeon we'll deal with him later" , I look at him and get a weird sense and when he looks at me I hear a voice, "come get me out of the dungeon later" and my body moves on its own and I nod walking away.