Scarlett's P.O.V
During the weekend after I had only been at my new school for 2 weeks, I caught the flu, but not before performing mine and Mckayla's scene of 'Macbeth'. Which we got an B for, I might add...Yeah yeah whatever.
Anyway I had to have a week off because I couldn't stop throwing up every hour. It was disgusting...
Today im going back although I still feel like i'm gonna collapse any minute. I've been having pretty weird mood swings as well, one minute i'm bouncing of the walls, the next i'm sobbing into my pillow and then i'm punching the wall (which resulted in me spraining my wrist). At first I thought it was a sign I was er...due for my time of the month, but that's passed and it's getting worse. It's seriously starting to confuse me now.
"Scarlett....Scarlett honey?" Katrina's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Y-Yes?" God you sound awful! We're the same person...
"Hun, you don't have to go back today if your still not feeling well. You can have a few more days off"
"No...that's ok, i'm fine" Normally i'd jump at the offer of no school but not when i've left Mckayla alone for a week, because I have no way of contacting her.
"Well, ok then" Katrina said before concentrating on the road again.
"SCARLETT!" Shit. RUN! I'm not gonna run shut up!
"We're the hell have you been? You haven't been here for a week!"
"I had the flu. Sorry" She jumped away slightly and I frowned at her.
"What? I don't wanna get sick and you sound like you've still got it"
I shrugged "I kinda still have, but it's almost gone"
"Well until it's completely gone, don't come within 2 feet of me"
I chuckled at her "Ok then"
"Urgh lesson starts in 5 minutes, I would give you a hug but instead i'll see you later"
"Ha. Ha. See ya'"
I walked in English and once again Blondie was making out with someone different, but this time it was the guy i'd run into in the hallway. Well...shit, he looked genuinely nice as well. Man whore.
I took my seat at the back of the room again and pulled out my notebook, I was getting used to this routine now and I liked it, so when Mr Brown called out that we were to be in an arranged seating plan...I was not happy at all. It was even worse when he sat me next to freakin' Laurie! And this kid who always picks his nose and eats it...Yuck!
"So lezbo get any action lately?" She wiggled her eyebrows and smirked at me. God I wanted to punch that smirk right off her face!
"What's the matter? Did Mckayla dump you for a girl with better skills!?" I clenched my fists so tight my knuckles went white.
"Am I making you angry?" She whispered to me and I dug my nails into my palm so deep I punctured my skin and could feel the blood over my fingernails.
"Come on Scarlett, what do you usually do to people who anger you? Hmm?" She whispered in my ear
Before I could stop myself I swung my fist round and punched her in the face so hard she fell backwards in her chair.
"That's what I usually do to skanks who make me angry" I smirked at her whilst she held her bloody nose
Hey! It's not my nose that's bleeding for once!
"Scarlett!" I looked up at Mr Brown
"What!?" I snapped at him
"Outside now!"
I got out of my seat, grabbed my backpack and stormed out the room.
I ran down the hall and saw a glass mirror ahead of me, without thinking I punched it with my right fist which caused the glass to shatter and my hand to get covered in shards of glass penetrating deep within my skin. I winced as the pain set in and blood gushed out of my wounds at an alarming rate. I pulled my black jumper off and wrapped my hand in it before walking down the hallway again. I noticed a door that had the sign 'Nurse' on it, I ran towards it and opened it to find the nurse sitting in a chair examining a young boys wrist.
"Can I help you dear?"
"Er...I..I can come back in a minute"
"No that's alright i'm finished here" She turned towards the boy "Matthew there is nothing broken or sprained, it will just be a little sore"
"Thanks miss" He replied with a smile before getting up and walking past me.
"Now what seems to be the problem dear?"
I unwrapped my hand from my jumper and was about to show her the multiple pieces of glass sticking in my hand until I looked down and there weren't any in my hand, instead they were all over my jumper. There wasn't even a scratch on my hand!
The fuck?...
"Yes..?" She looked at me and I was speechless for a moment until I found my voice.
"Er..I was wondering if anything for stomach pain?"
"Of course dear, one moment" She walked over to a drawer and pulled out 2 pills from a pack. She poured me a glass of water and handed it to me along with the pills. I swallowed the them quickly and gulped down the water, before saying "Thank you" and walking back down the hall again. I decided not to go back to English so I waited out the rest of lesson in the girls bathroom wondering how the hell there wasn't a single scratch on my hand when I punched a freaking mirror and I clearly saw my hand coveredin gashes.
After the rest of the day was finished, Mckayla decided she would show me around town. So she took me to the mall, which was huge but otherwise uninteresting, a bookstore, which I loved already, all of her favourite coffee shops, even though I don't like Coffee and right now we're sitting in a Chinese restaurant discussing what to do for my birthday in a week.
"I don't want a party and that's final" I crossed my arms over my chest for emphasis
"Urgh fiiine. So what do you wanna do?"
"Er.." I held my chin in deep thought. Oh I know! "How about a sleepover!?"
"Yes! I've never had a sleepover before!"
I gasped "Really!? Me neither!"
"I never had any friends to have them with"
"Aww well that's about to change for both of us, because we are gonna have the best sleepover ever!! At your house though if you don't mind, because my mom's still mad at me" I decided not to tell anyone about me being adopted. I thought it would be easier if people didn't give me the pity party just because I had no real parents. It still feels weird talking as if I had a mother though.
"Yeah of course, now what do you wanna do during the day though because your birthday is on a saturday and we cant just stay at mine the whole day and night"
"I haven't got a clue, can't we just have a movie marathon of films including Johnny Depp?" She grinned from ear to ear at the mention of Johnny Depp, we both have a weird obsession with him.
"Ok you've won me over....Movie Marathon it is!"
I jumped out of my seat and screamed "YES!" At the top of my lungs causing a lot of stares to pierce through me.
Act natural...
"I...I finally lost my virginity..." WHAT! That was anything BUT natural!...Why couldn't you just sit back down without saying anything? I'm not good at acting natural! You know that.
That caused everyone in the restaurant to laugh at me and I blushed furiously as Mckayla stood up to save me.
"She's just er....rehearsing for a school play...where she causes a disturbance and has to do something embarrassing to cover it up. She was just practising"
I mimed 'Thank you' as she smiled and sat back down, and I followed when everyone went back to their conversations's, although a few chuckles could still be heard and I think I heard a boy say 'I wish it was me she lost it to'.
"What the hell was that!" Mckayla suddenly burst out laughing.
"What? It was the first thing that came to mind!"
"Yea but..." She couldn't finish as she doubled over in uncontrollable laughter. I blushed 10x redder
That was so embarrassing...
Pretty boring scene I know, but I needed a scene where the sleepover is mentioned because it will be a very interesting sleepover ;)