Chapter 3

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When Free woke up, it was evening and he was covered in sweat, he immediately stood up, feeling incredibly yucky as he glanced out of the window seeing the Forest.

His first destination was his bathroom to freshen up a bit, splashing some water on his face to wake himself up a little more, he'd shower if he could but, considering that he can't exactly undo his belt prevents this.

Stretching a little, he left his bathroom, after which he went to the Window of his room, to get a better view of the Forest and he smiled tilting his head as he spotted his favorite Deer. ''Hey bud...'' he mumbled opening the window and slightly leaning outside.

The Deer walked towards him without even an ounce of caution and soon as the Deer was close enough, Free stretched his good hand out of the window to pat him with a smile. The Deer stepped away, turning it's head towards Forest, then back at Free as if saying 'come with me' and without much of a thought, Free does so, climbing out of the window, deciding to ignore the fact, that he isn't wearing his Shirt or his shoes.

The Deer led him to his secret spot, one that the blond teen has grown quite familiar with over the years, Free smiled as he sat down on the soft grassy ground, as he noticed that the Deer suddenly left but Free knows that he is probably searching for another Deer, probably a life long companion, its pretty normal for every being to try find their soul mate but it's not an easy path.

He decided to enjoy the view, just sitting on the ground and enjoying the cold breeze aura at this place. The Deer came back but, Free can see that his friend is leading someone, Free took a good look and realized that it's Sasha and she looks surprised to see him here but shook it off smiling.

''Hey Free'' she said sitting down next to him apparently not surprised that he is shirtless, Free glances at her as she looks into the sky a calm smile on his face. ''it's rare that someone comes here, it's usually my place..'' Sasha turned to him a small smile on her face.

''guess it's not really a secret anymore'' she tells him with a smile, making Free smile slightly as well, he looks back into the sky as well. He started to lean against her, a lazy smirk on his face.

Sasha giggled as he leans against her more and more, basically pushing her to the side. ''Free!'' she said now laughing, Free's smirk grew wider, as he successfully pushed her to the ground. He is basically on top of her, Sasha was buffled as Free snuggled her neck.

''F-free!'' he looked at her innocently as if he didn't do anything, Sasha was a blushing mess as he finally sat back up looking quite awkward, turning away from her, ''sorry....'' he said avoiding eye contact with the girl.

''what w-was that about?'' she asked, rubbing her neck before glancing at him, Free shrugged then turned to look at her, an awkward expression on his face and Sasha sighed patting his shoulder as she got up ''I'll go now, see ya tomorrow'' she said leaving to go back to her room.

Free sat there confused at his actions, that was strange even for him, at first, he just wanted to be a little shit, annoying anyone can be entertaining but that... That escalated. The Deer went next to him, sniffing him, before he snuggled up to Free, falling asleep not so long after. Free yawned falling asleep as well, a plain expression on his face.

''com'on Sis! Tell me!!'' Sasha looked away as Honey pesters her, her little sister apparently took notice of Sasha's awkward behavior and now, she won't stop asking her questions, her determination unwavering.

''Nothing is going on, Honey'' Sasha mumbled for the almost tenth time, laying down on her bed to ignore Honey, but that didn't work out well, as the younger blue haired girl jumped on Sasha, a giant smile on her face saying ''please!!!'' Sasha sat up, sighing, she knows that Honey won't stop bugging her, until she tells her what happened.

''alright!'' Sasha said, annoyed to a degree, ''I was outside with Free, nothing more, nothing less'' she adds, avoiding Honey's eyes, the girl squeaked in excitement her eyes sparkling.

Sasha raised her eyebrow wich stopped Honey, she smiled innocently and went to her bed leaving Sasha slightly confused.

So here you have Chapter 3! Sorry that it took so long, had a lot going on so see ya in Chapter 4

Update: This Chapter has been updated to remove the errors i put in there all that time ago and, also, to improve the story, hope you guys enjoy, I'll be getting back to writing for this story, after I've looked over and update the other chapters soon, so heads up ✨

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