✈ "Calum you idiot! Ask her out or something!" Luke rolled his eyes at me.
"I'm with Luke," Ashton spoke up, "If you don't quit going on and on about her, I will lock you outside." He tried to look intimidating, but failed, and ended up laughing at himself.
"It's raining outside! What are we suposed to do?"
"Jesus, Cal. Invite her over." MIchael sighed.
'Will you guys hang out with us?"
"Is little baby Calum nervous?" Luke chuckled at me.
I flipped him off, but he was right, "It's the first time that we'll be talking that she isn't basically forced to be nice to me! I mean on the plane, she didn't really have a choice."
"She could have jumped. I wouldn't really blame her."
"Not funny, Michael." I told him, sternly.
He held his hands up in surrender, "I was suposed to go over to Alexis' place, or maybe her name was Amy.." He trailed off for a moment, "But you're my bro, so I'll stay and hang out with you and your little presidential date."
The other boys nodded their heads, "Okay, I'm going to text her now and ask."
They all returned their attention to FIFA, but I kept my eyes trained on my phone, waiting for it to flash with a notification.
"YESS!" I shouted when I heard the little beep.
"Don't make me rethink my willingness to help you. You just made me let Ashton score against my team! Ashton for Christ Sake!" Michael whined.
I started laughing at him, "You go Ash! Michael needs his ass kicked sometimes."
I looked back to me phone, 'Yeah, that sounds great! Just text me the address.'
I typed it in quickly. I was humming with excitement.
I opened the door and there she was. I engulfed her small frame into a hug.
"How are you?" I asked her when she pulled back.
"I've been good in the two days since you last saw me." She laughed.
"Calum, your smoothness never fails to amaze me." I heard Michael say from a few feet away, "Are you going to let her in? It's bloody raining out there."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Come in." She stepped in and I closed the door behind her.
She looked to Michael, sizing him up, "You must be Michael."
He grinned, "Did Calum speak highly of me?"
"He just said that we would get along."
"Sounds like something he would say. He's a pussy."
"That's what I tried to tell him!"
They started walking into the living room, discussing 'reasons I was a pussy.'
This was going so well.
i stopped this chapter here because i don't want it to be longer than all of my other chapters so it looks like there will be a 'the boys pt.3'
i realised that this probably makes it seem like michael is a major douche in this story
he's just being sarcastic and joking around and so is reese
also she does NOT like michael in that way, this is a calum fic and i hate love triangle stories
okay i just had to clear up a few things
please vote/comment if u want
-abby has written three chapters to this in one day wow

7 hours & 51 minutes ✈ c.h.
Fanfictionwherever you go, go with all your heart // copyright © 2014 | teenageworries