I slipped back into consciousness but didn't want to open my eyes. It felt like I was in a bed, a pretty comfortable one at that. I didn't know anything else though.
I finally decided to open my eyes and had to close them right back. The lights in this room were too bright. I reopened my eyes and blinked several times to adjust them. I looked to my right and smiled to see my two girls passed out in the chairs next to my bed.
"They were quite worried about you." said a deep voice to my left.
I looked that way and had to stop myself from gasping out loud. The one of the most handsome guys I have ever seen was looking at me. He had green/grey eyes and dark brown hair that was almost black. It was styled in such a way that a little fell over his eyes and the rest was slightly tousled. His cheek bones were high, his chin was rounded and his lips were so full. I had to stop looking at him just to think straight. When I looked back at him he was smirking and my mind screamed PLAYER! Crys should be able to handle him. I thought to myself. She had tamed a few players in her life.
"They were huh? Not surprised, we've been friends since forever so we worry about each other a lot. " I said to him, my voice a little hoarse from lack of use. He must have noticed because he reached behind himself and grabbed a glass of water. He reach out to me and I grabbed it from him.
I took a few sips and then sat the glass down on the bedside table to my right. I glanced once more at my friends and thought it would be a good time for them to realize I was awake.
I reached back and pulled one of the pillows from behind my head. The guy raised an eyebrow but said nothing. I swung my arm back and threw the pillow with all my strength. It hit both Rose and Crystal in the head and they jumped up out of their seats at the same time, looking around like crazy people.
Me and the guy busted out laughing at the expressions on their faces. Crystal snapped her head over at me for a second, anger in her eyes before I saw that anger change to recognition as she realized I ws finally awake.
"Sapphire! You're awake!" They both screamed at me as they rushed to hug me.
"Obviously." I said laughing at them. "Ow!" I exclaimed after Rose hit me on the shoulder.
"Don't you ever scare us like that again!" She said to me
"I'm sorry jeesh, I don't even know what happened." I said. I looked up at Crystal only to find her flirting with Mr. Gorgeous. A cleared my throat to get their attention but they didn't even look at me.
"Crys" I said and she jumped looking back over at me. I just shook my head and looked back at the guy.
"I'm sorry I never actually got your name?" I said, wanting to thank him for helping me.
"Mason Holt. Don't forget it." He said to Crystal with a wink. She smirked back at him before turning to me.
"We don't know what happened to you either." She began. "All of sudden you were floating and you were glowing and your eyes were a different color and then everything stopped and you fell."
"Sounds like you got your powers in." Mason said, looking up from making sure I was completely ok.
"Well what does that mean? What are my powers?" I asked.
"You are an elemental." A voice came from the doorway. Professor Drake stepped in the room and looked at Mason.
"Everything is alright, she should be good to go." He said and started walking out of the room. Before he left he turned back around at did the 'call me' sign towards Crystal. She just smiled at him.

Peria Academy: School for Magical Arts
RomanceSapphire, Rose and Crystal are three poor girls from a small town in the country of Jaesia. They now nothing of magic, spells, witches or other things that go bump in the night. But what none of them know is that they all have an important destiny...