I couldn't let her upload it, everyone would know and that could have terrible consequences. "Hey, you really don't want to do that! The police might get involved and I am pretty sure kidnapping is illegal!" Luna looked up smugly, there was a manic look in her eyes that even scared me "I wouldn't worry about that" She stated "I am very good at covering my tracks online" With that she confidently watched the laptop, presumably waiting for the video to upload. I breathed heavier, my mind spinning as I tried and failed to work out an escape, but I didn't have long to ponder as a deafening clang rang through the ware house. Luna almost fell from the sofa and Jasper practically wet himself out of fear, the glasses falling from his face. I jolted my head back, looking at the ceiling and smiled slightly. The unexpected noise had come from the roof, like a large bird landing on the iron.
My two kidnappers looked around in bewilderment, it was my turn to be smug. Luna noticed the new comfort radiating from me and stalked over, not daring to get too close as my fangs were still present. "What was that!?" She demanded.
"How should I know?" I said with mock confusion, feeling slightly more relaxed. More banging noises rang through the structure, now nearing the locked metal door. Jasper stood staring at the sealed entrance to the warehouse, obviously terrified and doubting just how secure the lock was. Luna, however, had disappeared to some place behind me.The noise stopped for a minute, a deafening silence taking its place. The tension grew steadily as we waited for something to happen, Jasper looking white as snow and me straining to look forwards. Suddenly, an almighty force hit the door and the heavy material went flying, wiping out the table with the laptop, scraping along the floor and eventually coming to a halt right before the chair. In the hole that was left, I saw the best sight imaginable. Stood in a cluster, looking proud but also absolutely furious, were Anna, Richard and Alice. They spotted me and immediately stormed in, Alice headed for me whilst Richard and Anna stalked towards Jasper with deadly glares. I waited as the straps on my body were undone and then massaged where the straps had rubbed the skin red. Alice didn't wait until I had sat up to wrap me in a tight hug.
"What are you doing here?!" I asked frantically, pulling away from her arms.
"You were reported missing hours ago, I went straight to the woods to look for you but you weren't there! What happened!?" Her voice was a mixture of relief and worry.
"Well, Unsurprisingly I was kidnapped by lunatics" I got up, holding onto Alice, and turned to see what Anna and Richard were doing.
When I looked, Jasper was pinned to the wall by his throat, a single, deadly white hand holding him up whilst Anna interrogated him.
"Why did you kidnap her!? How did you know she wasn't normal!?" She screamed every word with anger and a thirst for revenge.
"We just wanted proof the supernatural existed, I swear! I saw her at the sports day and noticed that her eyes had gone yellow for a second. Please don't hurt me!" Jasper looked dangerously close to fainting.
"Whose 'we'?" Anna growled, then I remembered that Luna had slipped away just before they had broken in. I was about to tell them when a click sounded from behind us.We all snapped our heads around to look in unison, and the sight that greated us sent a chill through the room. There was Luna, in the door way at the back of the warehouse, with a loaded gun.
"Drop him or I will shoot" She commanded, the gun trained on our group with the potential to hit any one of us. Richard released his grip on Jaspers neck with a cold expression. The snivelling wreck of a man scrambled away and behind his girlfriend, still very much in shock. Luna kept both hands on the pistol and never let the barrel wonder from us, making sure it was always pointed at someone.
The tension in the air was growing, pressing in on my ears. "Now, get on your knees!" Luna shouted, sounding frantic and terrified.
"Luna, listen, you don't need to do this." I tried to speak calmly, not meaning to scare her further. The weapon was instantly lined up with my chest and I made every effort to keep still. My heart knocked against my ribs like a drum, I was surprised no one could hear it beating.
"I said, get. On. Your. KNEES!"
She was completely insane, there was no reasoning with her now. We would have to do this the hard way.

The Woods Curse
FantasyImagine being an ordinary kid your whole life, always dreaming of something bigger, something more than reality. That's what Lizzy wanted, but will she be thankful for her new life or will she ref ever entering the woods?