2 | Flower, No

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kimyona | a vocaloid fanfic




Rin felt uncomfortable.

No, not in that sense but more of a 'god-this-is-so-awkward-i-want-to-kill-myself' type of uncomfortable. Why you ask? because she was currently standing in a silent and awkward- almost tense atmosphere of discovering that she actually shared her room with someone. Or well the specific someone had to share their room with Rin, if you wanna put it that way.

And you know what's the worse part? Oh you thought standing there in a tense atmosphere with your feet threatening to collapse on itself was bad enough, but to make it worst the' so called person' she had to room with was staring so intensely at her, that Rin swore on the oranges in her backpack that the said person didn't even seem to blink. Yes, you read that correctly, and the cherry on top was that they were staring at her. She'd rather live without oranges than be stuck in this situation- wait no scratch that, Rin would never live without oranges.

Wanting to at the least clear up the awkward atmosphere, Rin faked a cough that made her new 'roommate' blink their eyes a few times as if they just recovered from a trance, and their black purple-ish eyes slowly registering her existence, even though she had been clearly standing there for at least 15 minutes.

"... Oh, no one informed me that another of Len's flings would be sharing a room with me," the person mumbled a face of discomfort present on their face, as if recalling a not so pleseant memory. Their black purple-ish eyes throughly scanned over Rin, as if judging every fiber of her existence. A white and orange pull over hoodie that fits loosely yet snugly on her figure, and white shorts that reach just above her knees, paired with white sneakers.

'eh at least she dresses somewhat normally' the person blinks. " oh right you don't know my name, well i'm Violet Flower, but people here just call me V or V-Flower, or if you prefer Flower " she boredly shrugged, clearly not caring what people refer to her as.

"By the way, how did Len manage to persuade you, or if you want the proper word ; seduce , i guess. " she plainly states, her eyes not amused. She clearly looked annoyed having to room with another of those bitc- ehem female dogs that Len brings home.

Rin looked at her in question, her voice laced with curiosity and confusion " Uh who's Len? Another fling? um i'm actually new here and uh Meiko said that this was my room- well i guess it's your room but uh i guess were sharing it now..? i-i'm Rin by the way, Rin kagami.. but yeah.." Rin felt like she was going to die from embarrassment. The awkward atmosphere creeped back in as Flower slowly processed Rin's words.

She blinked and nodded her head slowly as if the words had finally sunken in.

" Ah i see, well sorry for accusing you out of the blue like that. Oh and for Len, i don't think you would wanna meet him, or rather its better if you don't meet him "

Flower sighed before extending her hand out and shaking Rin's hand as a surprisingly cheerful smile forms on her pale pink lips. She shakes Rin's hand with enthusiasm that Rin swears wasn't there a few moments ago.

" Well nice to meet you Rin , don't worry i'm not gonna eat you so you can relax " Flower laughed, sensing Rin's stiffness. Accusing her to be one of Len's flings and straight out glaring at her in disgust probably wasn't the best first impression. Rin's eyes twiched before exhaling the breath she never knew she held in.

Rin was about to protest before the shrill of a bell was heard, making her ears flinch. Ouch. Flower stopped laughing at the sound of the ear bleeding bell before her eyes twiched. She then took Rin by her wrist and dragged her out of their now shared room, her disgarded bag and oranges left on the floor.

" Eh- w-what the heck Flower?!"

Rin stuttered as she tried her best to not run into the corridor walls, her legs losing their footing once and a while as Flower suprisingly sprinted through the halls. Turns were getting sharper and Rin felt herself losing her balance more and more. Flower noticed Rin's struggle to keep her footing and bit her lip.

" Ah hold on a biiit more, were almost there!!"

She shouted as she turned her head towards Rin. Rin's eyes widen before she shrieked,


Rin didn't manage to finish her sentence, as both of them collided with the -grey almost silver- corridor walls.










"UGH .."


Both girls rubbed their, probably now swollen foreheads before Rin faced Flower with a slight glare. She took a deep breath and shouted,


Flower stared dumbfoundly at Rin, blinking before registering that maybe just maybe running into a wall wasn't Rin's cup of tea.

Flower bursted into laughter after seeing Rin's half glare, thinking it was some sort of a joke. Rin's right eye twiched. She most certainly did not like to be make fun of.

She let out an almsot animalistic growl and her glare harden, showing the fact that she was indeed serious. Flower's laughs eventually became chuckles, and then was refuced to awkward giggles. She let out a cough at the now tense atmosphere, with Rin practically murdering her with her glare.

Flower sighed.

"Alright, Alright Missy sour face im done laughing "

Rin only rose an angered eyebrow at the violet eyed girl.

"Geez fine, im sorry for making us run into a wall. There, happy?"

Flower scoffed before standing up, extending a hand to Rin - who disgruntedly - accepted her hand and stood back up. Brushing off some dust that had collected on her shorts, a question popped into Rin's mind.

"Hey Flower?"


"What was the point of you dragging us out of our room and sprinting into the hallway?"

Rin asked with a raised eyebrow and a questioning yet unpleased expression on her face. As if telling Flower that if this was all for show, then she better wish that Rin would spare her mercy.

Flower hummed in thought, her eyebrows crinkling before a 'ahh' escaped her small pink lips, as if an imaginary light bulb was lit.

"Oh yeah! The bell ringing signaled that it was lunch time! "


Rin was clearly getting impatient. Flower grinned before yanking Rin on her wrist, dragging her in through the two identical doors that were located nearby.

Rin stumpled and slipped on air before regaining her balance last second as Flower tugged on her wrist to prevent her from hitting the ground, before raising up the said hand.


Flower shouted, her voice echoing througout the entire - Rin now registers to be a Cafeteria and Food Court ish - room. The previous chatter filled room was now dead silent as all eyes and heads from each table turned to look at the source of the loud voice, meeting the eyes of a ever energetic Flower and a bright red Rin, who looked like she was going to pass out in any moment.

- - - - - - - - - ♤ k i m y o n a ♤ - - - - - - - - - -

Author's note: Yoo sorry for not updating!! This fic is a pretty chill one for me and i havent had any motivation to write ;^; plus i was sick for the past 2 days ;;

But ye i hoped you liked it!! Votes and comments are highly appreciated to fund my motivatiom to the next chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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