The next day, Randy had Mr.Flores for his science class. Mr.Flores has been waiting for this day. He thought of all the things they could do. He even thought about asking him to take after "school classes".
Randy came with all his other friends to drop off there things.
They locked each others eyes but none said a word.
Mr.Flores was confused.
Randy left without even a Hi or a wave goodbye.
What happen to him?
"Randy can I speak with you". Mr. Flores said. Randy walked in. Randy tried his best not to look at him.
"Randy, you don't seem lik-"
"I have a girlfriend." Randy interrupted
"I don't want to hang out, I told this random girl out, and she said yes. I don't want to talk too you, I don't want to be with you. Can you leave me alone. ," Randy said in an angry voice.
Randy closed the door and ran away.
Mr.Flores got up and went to the door window. The trail that Randy left behind was tear drops from the door to the hallway.
2 periods later, Randy walked in. But instead of walking in alone, there was this girl around his arms. She was not pretty, but she was able to look at. She was taller than him and was the top of her class.
Mr.Flores was confused.
"Alright class, I gave homework, so please put the papers in the pile in the middle of the table." Mr.Flores said in a adult tone. Of course Randy never does his homework, and Mr.Flores knew that. It was his plan to talk to Randy's parents about it and making him take after school activities. For his "homework".
Mr.Flores came around to collect homework. He came to Randy's table and notice that all 4 papers were in the pile.
Mr.Flores was sad because his planned failed.
"Um.. alright so um.. I posted a Google classroom assignment and you have the 2 periods to finsh it. If not I will give you a zero." Said in a worried and fast tone.
Mr.Flores glared at Randy for a while. Even some of the students saw and whispered things like
What is he doing
I always knew he was a pedophileBut while he was glaring. He notice that Randy never look back at him. He just was laughing and being with the others.
Like he didn't exist
Mr.Flores went stare at his computer. He was grading all the papers that his students turned in. The last one was Randy. He checked really hard to see some type of error for him so he will might have a chance of failing. But he got every single answer correct. But he also notice that the writing was not his. But instead his girl friends.
The period ended and his students left. Randy left as soon as he can. He went to Randy desk and look to see if he left anything.
But he left something
And it was his phoneThe phone was unlocked
And the first thing that he sees
Is gay photos of guys.
Part 4 you want more