The ground shakes as I run towards our spacecraft; I take one last look back at our house before I am yanked into the craft. I here a faint pop and we teleport into the galaxy, we all take one last look at our home planet and then its gone, wait, I'm getting ahead of my self. Let me start at the beginning
It all started when my friend, Gala got back from earth. She had gone there because her brother had accidently teleported himself half way across the galaxy to earth.
I wake up and check my phone. 8:39, and there’s a text from Gala, she says she's coming home today. I go down stairs and tell my mum the news, "Great" she says.
Gala’s and my family are very close, our parents are best friends; we both have a 118-year-old sister, 110-year-old brother and an 86-year-old sister. We are both 112, we both blue have hair that goes just below our shoulders, three eyes and a tail, but enough about me, back to the story.
I here a car pull into the drive next to us and run out side to see Gala’s space craft pulling into her drive. I run over to say hello. Gala Jumps out and I can see her holding something, its orange and has green grass like stuff coming from its head. "What is that" I say, "Its called a carrot" she says, "I brought it on earth and it tastes really good, so I brought some seeds back and on going to plant them", "cool" I say, "wanna start now", "sure" she says.
We run around to her back yard and I grab a small shovel, we dig some holes then place the carrots in them, then water them and go inside for a drink.
We water the carrot seeds every day but on the third day things start to get weird.
I wake up on the third day to a weird rumbling noise, I can feel my bed shaking for a few seconds then it stops. I walk down stairs and find dad there, fixing a photo frame that fell down, I ask him what just happened and he says that he thinks it was just the storm clouds playing football again.
The next day the rumbling happens again, and the next day after that it happens again, and again. Each time it happens it gets longer.
I start getting nervous about the rumbling so I decide to take a visit to our local science guy. When I get there he is standing outside with this weird machine on his head, it was like he was wearing goggles, but really big ones. "Um excuse me" I say, "what are you doing?” "I'm doing a weather check, I'm trying to locate the source off these rumblings" he says. "Great, that’s why I came to you, is there anything I can help with"? I ask, "yes, actually, there is, can you hold this for me and I will navigate where the source is coming from". "Ok" I say.
We track down the source of the rumbling and we end up in front of Gala’s house, "here, what are we doing here?" "this is the source of the rumbling.
We walk around the back of their house and he plunks his machine into the ground right next to the carrot patch. "What are these" he says, "carrots" I reply, "my friend brought them back from earth", "oh, oh no, this is not good, not good at all" "why?" I ask "because, if my readings are correct this machine is telling me that these 'carrots' have grown underground until they are 2.6000 kilometers long and have wrapped themselves around the earths core which is causing the core to crumble until its gone and if the core goes we go with it" he says with a concerned look on his face. "So you mean the our planet is going to explode" I ask, "yes, our pleat is going to explode and there’s nothing we can do about it, everyone is going to have to evacuate and find another planet. "We have to tell the mayor" is say.
We go to the mayor’s office and he calls an emergence meeting saying that we all have to evacuate and the planet is going to explode in about a day.
I run home to my house and find my family, everyone looks pretty distressed, my mum tells me to pack up my room and get my little brother ready to go. When everyone’s packed and ready we say goodbye to everyone in the neighbor hood and then go see the mayor, he says that there’s a vacant planet just left of satin that we can live on and that we should get there soon.we go home and my dad clicks the pack up button on the houes and it shrinks to the size of an apple (he installed that last year incase we had to leave in an emergence like this).
We decide to stay just until its about to explode incase anyone from another family is left behind. no one is, The ground shakes as I run towards our space craft, I take one last look back at our house before I am yanked into the craft. I here a faint pop and we teleport into the galaxy, we all take one last look at our home planet and then its gone.
We land on the planet just left of astern and it looks great, its just like home but with different colours, we find a spot to put our house, then unpack our stuff and where settled down. On one side of is Gala’s family which is good, just like before and on the other side is the Wosniacs, who are my friends from school. So it all turned out in the long run, most things are back to normal and Mason, Gala’s brother leant not to use the teleported with out supervision and Gala leant that however much she loves carrots she isn't going to plant them ever again.