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It was still raining heavily. Harry walked in the park without any umbrella, feeling the cold rain drops. He took his phone out and called Jay.

"Hello, this is Harry, Jay," His voice was hoarse from crying. "Yes Harry?"

"Can I talk to Louise?"

"Um sure..." Harry waited for Jay to hand the phone to Louise.


"H-Hello Lou?"

"Harry! What happened?" Louis asked worriedly when he heard Harry's hoarse voice. "C-Can you come t-to the park now?"

Louis looked out of the window and frowned. It was raining heavily. "It is raining, Harry..."

"If you care about me then come in the park now!" Harry barked in the phone. Louis flinched in fear. He hummed and ended the call. "Mom, I'm gonna go and meet Harry. He needs me." Louis took his umbrella and slipped in his rain boots.

"But it's raining too hard!" Jay said. "Harry is crying, mum!" Louis defended and ran out of his house.

Five minutes later, Louis was in the park. The rain was hitting the umbrella harshly. Louis looked around and saw Harry standing under the tree. He was dripping wet, face almost covered with his wet curls.

"Harry!" Louis gasped and ran towards him. "Have you gone crazy?!" Louis pulled Harry under the umbrella though it was of no use. Harry snatched the umbrella and threw it away. Louis was scared of Harry.

'What if he found out I'm a boy?!' Louis was on verge of tears when Harry pushed him against the tree.

"Harry what are you doing?" Louis' voice was quiet. Harry glared at him.

"Where did I went wrong?" Harry squinted his eyes at Louis. "What?" Louis was clueless about what Harry was saying.

"Are you that stupid or you just don't give a damn about me?!"

"I don't understand what you are saying, Harry!" Louis was shaking with fear and partly from the cold rain water.

"You don't understand that I like you! You don't understand that I feel for you! You are so stupid!" Louis was shocked because he really didn't knew that. He shook his head. "Oh lord! Louise, if you were not a girl, I would have probably slapped you so hard!" Harry took a hold of his wrist and shouted. Louis looked around for help. Harry was scaring him.


"I did everything for you! Every-fucking-thing! I sold those ling-linger-lingering.. Whatever the fuck is that, for you! But you can't see that and kissed Niall!" Harry's face was inches away from Louis. "I di-did not-

"Don't fucking lie to me! I know. I was there when Niall called you and you said that you liked it! Why are you trying to hide it?"

"It was a-an accident, Harry." Louis tried to pry his hand away from Harry's hold. Harry saw the redness in Louise's eyes. He sighed and moved away from 'her'.

"Sorry," He ran his hands through his wet hair. Louis ducked his head down and cried silently. He felt two hands pressed against his cheeks forcing him to look up.

Harry caressed Louise's cheeks with his thumb. "You are very pretty, you know." Louis wanted to tell him that he wasn't a girl but he was afraid of Harry. Harry was scary when he was angry. "Don't be afraid of me. I'm short-tempered sometimes but I won't hurt you."

Louis nodded. "Tell me something honestly, okay?" He nodded again.

"Do you like N-Niall?" Louis' breath hitched. He dreaded that question. He did liked Niall a bit more than he should. "Y-Yes, a little..." He felt Harry's grip on his face tightened and jaws clenched slightly.

The green eyes were burning holes into his soul. "H-Harry, are y-you going to hit me?" Louis squeaked out in horror.

"I would never do something like that. I have a sister and I don't hit girls." Harry said sincerely.

"Am I your sister?"

"Fuck Louise! No fucking way in hell. You are not my sister!" Harry threw his hand in air. Louis wanted to run away but he didn't have the guts to push Harry away. He leaned his head against the tree and let his tears fall.

Harry was too close for Louis' liking. He felt a hand snaking around his waist but he didn't dared to open his eyes. The seventeen year old was taller and stronger than him. He felt a pair of lips on his neck. Louis whimpered in fear. His fisted a handful of Harry's wet shirt.

"You smell so nice, Lou!" Harry was crossing his limits without realizing. "Please Harry! Don't!" Louis cried in fear. "No baby, I will not hurt you." Harry gently pulled the poor 'girl' in a hug. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."



"Kiss me, Lou?"

Louis heard the masked demanding tone. Harry was very demanding and Louis can't run away from this. He nodded subtly.

Harry was satisfied. He was getting what he deserved. He was getting what was his. He leaned down to kiss 'her' when Louise stopped him. "If I say that I'm a boy then what will you do?"

"Well then I would say 'you are the prettiest boy I've ever laid my eyes on' and then I would kiss you."

Louis' eyes widen when Harry almost attacked his lips. He didn't have any other choice than to kiss him back. That is what he did. And for some reason Louis liked it too.

[ erm harry was quite extreme but he is like that only in the story. but he would never hurt louis. i hope you like it x ]

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