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                   He walked up closer to me... completly close to me! and he stopped in front of me, starring into my eyes. I stared back in terror. 

" You have to do better with yourself," he told me. What did he mean about that? what was he saying>

" Your so small," he said. " A little too small."

My stomach started to hurt. My skin started to prickle and My eyes started to become blind. The man started speaking. but it was only a mumble to me. I know that he was telling me how big I need to get and  how pretty. I was pained. I almost cried. it's like somebody stronger than me had just picked me up and dropped me on my heart. I didn't need to know how I looked. not in that place. not by some stranger.

My thoughts flashed over movies I watch-- scary movies-- and I started to think about how a character in the story try to get away and somehow, gets caught. I hoped that it wasn't going to happen to me then. I just hoped not.

I could no longer hear mumbles of the words he spoke. I could only hear my breathing and my thoughts. It was so silent on the outside that I could hear the breeze of the coldness around the both of us.

Our eye contact was pointless, but I kept myself bold. I looked down to the belt he had in his hand and back up to his face. He didn't know what it was that I had in my mind. he just stood there with a big vicious smirk on his face. meaningless and deniable, he touched my face and then everything came alive again. everything flew into my ear like drums. so much noise!  And the noise was only air running out the air conditioner and drips of water from the bathtub's faucet.

the man then stroked my hair, wrapping it and unwrapping it around his hand, having it to fall repeately over my face. His voice sounded aloud-- harsh and loud-- saying," ... your going to fix your hair?"

I didn't want to speak. I just knew that my words would come out so soft and weak and... uncontrollably shakey. He waited for my answer and I waited for his fustration of waiting so long for it. Both of us stared with the same vicious eyes. He then smiled and said," well, be worth nothing, what do i care!"  he grabbed my arm and started pulling me out the door, telling me to come on.

I couldn't keep up with his pace. I was half dragged and half walking at the same time and it was irratating. the hallway felt so long, the closer we got to the end. This is my time, I told myself. I can get away!

The man started dragging me even harder that My ankles were then rashing against the wooded floors. I couldn't take no more. Next thing I knew was that I used my free arm to pinch the side of his neck. I pinched him so hard that my nails were digging into his flesh. he started to yelp, holding his neck as if he was in pain. he then let my arm go and pushed me onto the floor.

My body was trembling. I had turned so cold, but I was sweating. I was scared.

My mind was racing so far ahead of me that I became confused.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" he yelled, looking to me with ruthless eyes.

I started scooting back and the more I did, he walked forward, towards me. I jumped up quickly to take of running, but then he grabbed my leg. I started to cry. I realized that I'm the character that gets caught in the scary movie.

He started pulling me back, towards his way. I was crying so hard-- and it was worst cause I was out of breath-- and it hurted.

Before he could pull me anymore I used my foot to kick him in the face. He let me go then.

I got up, running for my life. racing myself to my future.

it felt that I was running so slow and so light that  It felt like someone was going to grab me. I kept looking back to see how close the man was, but he still lyed there on the floors.

when I opened the door to the kitchen, D' stood there straight ahead, with his head tilted, his eyes focused on me, his lips from ear to ear. I stopped running. I started hillucinating. it felt like I was swimming under water, looking to pictures under bubbles.

I tried to turn around but the other man stood there behind me. Everything began to slow down, everything went in slow motion. I heard my heart beating. I heard theirs too, and the air again... My body was giving up. was going to fall.


I was back in that dull room, chained back up. D' and the other man stood over me, laughing.

" you woke?!" The man said as if it was surprising. " I'm so glad," He crouched down beside me. he squeezed my jaws as if I was some kind of puppy and said," Good girl."

" I think she need to learn Kay. that 'lil runaway she tried to put on today..." he giggled," she need practice."

I looked to him. I wanted to spit on him again. The thought of the both of them, having me to practice anything, had me to feel indisposed. I hated them so badly.

The man, Kay, studied my face. his face went serious as he did and he spoke. " strip her." he then stood up, quickly, and walked toward the door.

I looked to D' who were bending down, over me. he laughed and said," Your in big trouble run away."

 he started tearing off the red shirt they had me put on. then the little skirt... my underwear. coldness shot at me quickly, having me to shake. and the nakeness I felt made me cry. I would never undress myself in front of anyone. it is too embarrasing. and for anyone to force that upon me is impracticle.

I cried so loud. I tried to scream but my voice became horse. " Help me!" I knew that know one could hear me but I took my advantages. " Help me!"

" Help me!" D' started to copy me. " HELP ME! HELP! HELP!" He then started to laugh. " Aint nobody listening to you." he laughed again, looking me straight in the eye. He then walked away from me, turning his back towards me.

I looked to him in obstruction. I tried to wiggle myself out of the grip of the chains, screaming, one last time," HELP!"

" SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID BITCH!" D' turned around and screamed. he seemed fustrated. " nobody hear you- you scream again Ima give you something to scream about."

The door then opened, and Kay came in with a candle, some pens, a bag of ice, and a belt in his arm.

I became solid. what was he going to do with those things?

I rubbed my legs together, wishing that something was covering my body. The pain I imagined of my cold body being hit with a leather belt was aching and the pens... The pens? I wasn't sure of what he was going to do to me with the pens, but I see him poking hole into my skin with them , and the candles he had, I imagined him putting the fire onto my skin, letting it burn out.

My thoughts are terrifying.

Kay put the things on the floor beside me. he then looked over me and said," I'm going to teach you one fine lesson..." I didn't realize what he was telling me. his words just sounded like voices on a t.v screen. I wasn't interested.

he then grabbed the leather belt and stood up straight. " You are going to obey every adult you see walking into this room." he said. " do you understand?" I ignored, waiting on his fustration. He tilted his head and said," okay, then." he then hit me on my leg with the belt.

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