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"sam!" the blonde walked into his mother's awaiting arms and hugged her, a small smile on his lips.

"hi ma." sam pulled away, picking up his luggage once again.

"how are you? don't just stand there, come in."

sam let out a small laugh and walked in, the smell of something being baked filled the air and his mouth watered at the idea of his mother's cookies.

"ben and allison are out, they'll be back later though." his mom said, walking into the kitchen to check on her baked goods.

sam walked upstairs to what used to be his bedroom. he set his things down and immediately took out his phone, texting colby.

just got to my mom's. miss u already
(message deleted)
just got to my mom's. how are you?

sam sighed as he put his phone down on the desk, taking a seat on the bed.

he already missed colby terribly.

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