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Sorry about not uploading as fast as usual. I have a lot of tests lately, so sorry! But here it is! The next chapter is here! Also, you can play the music anytime you want because it goes with this chapter! By the way, this chapter is recommended for people at the age of 18 or older because this has bad language and inappropriate things. Things that Bonnie does in this chapter, don't let your kids do it! Don't worry, the next chapter will be kid friendly so kids, wait until the next chapter, lol! Anyways, you can start reading :P 

(Serena's POV)

Did Bonnie know about my vision? "Bonnie, we need to talk.." I said, leading her to a secret sopt. "How did you know about the vision  I had?" I asked. "I..I honestly don't know.. I just got a vision.." Bonnie sheepishly said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I'm not sure.." she replied. We went back to the boys and talked to them.

(Bonnie's POV)

What was happening? I feel a bit different. I then have a weird thought in my head.

I'm possessing you..

Who are you? What is this thing that is in my head? I don't get what is going on! "Bonnie!" I heard my name and got out of my thoughts. "What Clemont.." I mumbled. "Hey! I told you to stop responding like that!" "Shut up.." I said. What was I saying?! "Bonnie! Go to the corner!" Clemont pointed to the corner in the room. "Fine.." I said, walking to the corner. "What is wrong with you today?" Clemont asked quietly. I turned around, "I'm being..your ugly! I'm being possesed!" I quickly said without saying anymore bad things. "Bonnie, you should go see a doctor before it gets worse." Clemont picked me up by my arms. I then blurted out, "Put me down, you bastard!" I covered my mouth signaling that didn't mean to say that. We went to a hospital and the doctor gave me a shot. When I woke up, there was a red aura right next to me. "Wow! What's that?!" I screamed, getting off a chair. "Apparently, this spirit was possessing you." the doctor explained. The aura then was trapped in a jar by Ash. "Gotcha!" he cheered, sealing the lid.


"Or what?" Ash asked. Serena stood back, frightened by everything. The jar broke and then a human appeared. "Hmph, seemed like my plan was a fail.." a man with red hair ran away. "What was that?" Serena sheepishly asked. "No clue.." the doctor replied, "All I know is that Bonnie isn't possesed anymore.." "Yay!" I squealed. 

(Ash's POV)

I was completely confused on what the hell happened. At least nothing happened to Serena. "Bonnie, apologise.." Clemont yelled. "Why?! It wasn't my faul that I was possesed!" Bonnie responded. Me and Serena stopped listening the fight and looked at a resturant across the street. "Want to go eat?" I asked. "Sure! I'd love too!" Serena exclaimed. I walked out of the pokemon center with Serena and our hands were close to eachother. I looked down and blushed at the thought of holding hands. We then crossed the street and sat down to eat. We ordered our drinks and by the time we ordered it, Bonnie came back dragging Clemont by the collar of his shirt. "Come on Clemont.." I couldn't tell which one was the older sibling. We all sat down and ordered some vodka. Bonnie also did too, but made it look like root beer.

(Serena's POV)

I looked at Bonnie, I wasn't able to drink when I was 8! Maybe I was poor.. Snap out of it Serena! "Bonnie, what are you drinking?" I looked at the vodka. "Ouhhh, I'm drankking root baarr.." she replied in a drunk voice. Nobody else noticed because Clemont and Ash were also drunk. Clemont and Ash were playing truth or dare, a childs game. I didn't drink the vodka, it didn't look appetizing. Bonnie passed out on the table, sleeping. I then over heard Clemont say, "Assshhhh, I duure yoo tooo keesss Sarnnaa..." What? Did I hear that correct? it sounded like, "Ash, I dare you to kiss Serena.." Well, they are drunk so maybe I misunderstood them, but no, Ash walked over to me. He then kissed me on the lips. Then something completely weird happened. Ash grabbed my shirt and looked down. "Hey!" I screamed, embarrased. I hoped he wouldn't remember this, so I pushed him off me. "Youuu shouulddddd drainkk Sarannaa.." Clemont mumbled, pointing at vodka. "I don't think it would be good.." I responded. "Shoouut uupp.." Ash grabbed my face and poured vodka into my mouth. This was bad, drinking vodka for me can cause me to become very, "lovey-dovey" Ash then gave me more vodka. I then closed my eyes and fell asleep. "Serena!" I heard my name and woke up. "Hm.." I looked around and saw we were back at the apartment.

"You are finally awake! Do you remember anything that happened last night?" Ash stared at me. "No.." I responded, rubbing my head, "But I can assure you that we had a crazy night.." I mumbled. "Yeah.." Clemont joined in. "Bonnie, were you by any chance, drinking vodka last night?" Clemont said, trying to remember. "Maybe.." Bonnie giggled. "I guess it could fly by this time.." Clemont whispered. "Well, let's go eat breakfast.." Ash suggested and we went to the main area of the pokemon center. People stared at us as if we were crazy. We watched some people whisper abput us. "Hey, it's the weirdos!" a girl came up to us with her friends. "What did we do?" Ash asked. "Don't you remember? You guys fell asleep of the floor! It was hilarious!" the girl laughed. "We were drunk!" Bonnie's face turned red. "What the?!" the girl screamed by the thought of a 8 year old drinking. "She means we" Clemont clarified, pointing at me, Ash, and himself. "Well, I'm off losers.." her friends giggled.

"We shouldn't drink again.." Bonnie whispered. 
"True, but you shouldn't the most of all.." I said. Bonnie giggled at me. This little girl is weird.

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