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I had to get out of here!

My hands were drenched in blood as I knelt around the bloody corpse.

What had I done?!

My white shirt stained with that tinted hint of the distinct red that I knew so well.

My ripped jeans now indeed 'ripped' from the struggle.

All i had to do was breathe.

"one, two, three, exhale" i whispered to myself over and over again.

I had to compose myself, quickly!

I ran to the sink to wash off any residue of blood that i had left on my now flawed, blood stained skin.

It was all like a blur to me, one part of me wished that this was all a horrific segment in a horror film and that in a good minute I'd be warped backed to reality, of course,

It was real.

I grabbed my coat, its comfort was not at all what i remembered, the inside cloth now damp with tears which immediately stuck to my skin dampening it like its surroundings.

I opened the door, to the now blinding light of police cars and sirens,

But of course they were no police cars instead just the flickering of street lights turning off and on as well as the accommodating buzzing.

I was alone on that sidewalk, that street, that road on that night.

I was out finally I breathed in relief and in this I saw a calming sight of which was the hot steam, curling of my lips as I exhaled.

I shook my head in reassurance convincing myself I'd be all right.

And soon after quickly paced of the street in a bustle.

One part of me thought that this was going to be a complete blow over and that I would get away free, yet another thought it wasn't over.

Not for a long shot.

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