4 Days 1 Week until mission
Wolfs P.O.V
I was playing guitar hero on my Xbox when there was a knock on my door. "It's unlocked!" I shout, dammit I missed a tab. The handle was being shaken then I realised my door stopper was in front of the door. I kicked the rock away just as a heavy breathing Jackal burst through my door.
Jackal: "Unlocked my ass!" I laughed making me miss more of the tabs.
Wolf: "Your hot ass you mean." I wink at him forgetting about the game until the crowd starts booing. "Dammit you've made them boo at me!"
Jackal: "About time you were shit anyway." He smirks at me and I stick my tongue out.
Wolf: "I'd like to see you do better." Before he could reply I restart the song and throw the guitar over to him. He throws some weird looking goggles at me.
Jackal: "Oh its on" He moves to where I was standing and I sit back onto the bed next to Scout. He is doing okay till I poke his side making him jump.
Wolf: "Someones ticklish." I hear him mutter and has time to pause the song before I attack him by poking his sides. We both fall over on the floor tickling each other and laughing with Scout barking and jumping all over us.
Jackal: "Se acabó el tiempo!" ((Time out)) He shouts between breaths. We stop and flop down on the floor next to each other.
Wolf: "I can't see straight." I say while my vision goes hazy and the ceiling looks like its spinning.
Jackal: "Haha weak."
Wolf: "Says the one who said time out." I said getting up on my side. "I've been looking for that all morning." I pull the hood of my jacket up over his eyes.
Jackal: "Hey what was that for."
Wolf: "Stealing my jacket without my permission."
Jackal: "Who said it was yours?"
Wolf: "Me?"
Jackal: "Then it can't be yours." I give him a confused look and give up on the conversation.
Wolf: "What are these?" I say holding up the weird ass goggles he threw at me earlier.
Jackal: "Oh Doc told me to give them to you to give to Scout. I guess that's his HUD thing." I call Scout over and strap them to his head. A light blinks on and Scout walked off.
Wolf: "Well. I guess that did nothing." I shrugged. "By the way you can't sleep in my room tonight."
Jackal: "Awe why?" He pouts a little and I nudge him a little.
Wolf: "Well one, people will start talking. Two, I have to do things tonight. And I thought you didn't want to sleep in here last night. Is someone getting attached?" I say with a wink.
Jackal: "Yeah right." He scoffs and punches my shoulder.
It started out as a normal day I guess you could say. All we did was stay in my room and play on the console without a care in the world. But no one could guess what would happen later that night.
AN: Hey guyssss. I know this is short but part 2 is up tomorrow. Well that's pretty short aswel but still! Also I just published a new book called "Run" and youuuuuuuuuuuuuu should check it out! I've only got the prologue but I'll upload the first part when someone actually reads it.

Blood, Tears and Broken Ribs
FanfictionRainbow 6 Siege x male OC (x jackal) I could smell the gas from the bomb just before it went off. After everything ive done this will end me? I just hope that kid is out. 3..2..1 BOOM Best rankings: Rainbowsixseige #1 Pc #2 I DONT OWN RAINBOW SIX SI...