Seventeenth day - another shopping day

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* reads a book about life while humming * - witch

* runs in the room * hey I got myself a car want to see it - BD

* stops reading and look at BD * ummm I'm busy reading - witch

About what O_o - BD

All about life, it's getting interesting - witch

-_- at the end they die now come on - BD

* slam the book down * DX y u spoil it 4 me - witch

Because we need to go somewhere -_- remember - BD

Ohh yeah ^^ ok let's go - witch

Ok - BD

* runs outside and get in the car * - both

Soo umm mark the place for me witch - BD

Sure * marks the clothing shop * ok all done - witch

Thanx * backs up and drive to the nearest clothing shop * - BD

* meanwhile *

Ummm BD y are u pale as hell - witch

Ummm would you hate me if I tell u this - BD

No y - witch

I'm a demon V_V - BD

:D finally - witch

Whaaa O_o - BD

* puts hand on BDs * I'm a demon too ^^ I was born and raise a demon not as a human that's y I try reading that book so I can understand what's a human - witch

Oh I was a human but died because I got shot while walking to school - BD

Wow that's a dumb way to die Ahooo - witch

During the 1800s it wasn't * parks the car * get out we are here - BD

K * gets out * - witch

* gets out and go in * this is y I try avoid this place - BD

What * gets out and go in * - witch

Nuuuthing ^^ now let's get some cloths - BD

* 10 hours l8r *

Ughhhhh - BD

What's wrong O_o - witch

I'm tired it's 9 - BD

Oh umm want to go home - witch

* nodes my head up and down * - BD

K ^^ want a piggy bk ride - witch

* nods again * - BD

K * bend down * get on my sleepy head :P - witch

* gets on witches bk * go to the car plz - BD

K * goes to the car and put BD on the driver side * - witch

Thank you my witchy :P - BD

Np ^^ - witch

* accidentally shoot a Morningstar car * O_O * strts up the car and drive to the hq *

Umm why we're getting chased - witch

* drifts a corner * I shot a gangs car - BD

O_O ok then do I shoot it or no - witch

Do you want... No no no I'll handle it - BD

Y - witch

I don't like you when you get insane on me - BD

Oh ok so what do I do - witch

For starters get low as possible - BD

* lay down on the floor * ok - witch

* shoot the car until it explodes * ok there gone for a while just stay down there * drifts a corner * - BD

* hugs a mat * BD I'm scared - witch

* hits the nitro while drifting * ok umm since we are close to the hq u can come up and sit down * drift a corner * - BD

Ok * goes to the seat and curl up * - witch

:P * strokes your back spine * - BD

* get relax because of BD * - witch

* drifts to the garage and get out the car holding witch close to me * * push the button to the hq floor * it's done witch - BD

* opens eye and stare at BD * :P - witch

* stares bk * :P now let's go to bed * carries witch to the room and lay her down on the bed next to me * goodnight witch - BD

Goodnight BD * get in the covers and close my eyes * - witch

* stares at witch for awhile and falls asleep * - BD

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