Starring: Pin, Jasper, Aspen, and Kityan
-Jasper's POV-
Goodness.... there it is.... the Old Windmill.......
Pin, Jasper, and Aspen we're hiding behind a couple trees. They were about 30 yards away from the windmill. Jasper tried to spot anyone over there.
"I don't see anyone," Jasper announced.
"Me too," Pin said
"Me three," Aspen said.
"Hold on!" Pin whispered, pointing at the windmill.
It was the Dark Mix and Kityan. It had her tied up against a stake. It threw some sticks beneath her feet.
Goodness! It's going to eat her!
"We have to hurry," Pin said.
"What are we going to do," Aspen asked.
"I read in the comic book that if a young animal screams, it'll draw its attention. After you scream-"
"Wait," Aspen interrupted, "you want me to scream?"
"Well, yeah. One: you are the youngest. And two:"
Pin put on a weird face. Like he didn't want to say the second reason. Aspen wasn't stupid. She bet Pin's number two statement would be about the "incident" with Jasper.
"Alrighty. How will you save me when it comes for me?" she asked.
"Oh...." Pin said, "haven't really thought about that, actually...."
"Of course you haven't," she said.
"I know. Jasper don't be afraid, but I want you to do something," Pin said.
"When the Dark Mix goes after Aspen and we grab Kityan, I want you to scream as loud as you can," Pin said.
"But won't it come back!"
"Yeah, it will. I'll protect you, Jasper. I promise."
"Okay... Anything for you."
"Let's move out then."
Pin nodded at Aspen.
"Scream when we get to Kityan."
Pin and Jasper went a little closer to the windmill.
I hope Aspen will be okay.... I hope we'll be okay.....
Jasper and Pin were only feet away from Kityan. Pin looked at Aspen. She was looking at them.
Goodness, here we go!
Pin gave her the signal.
"Ahhhhh!!!!!" Aspen screamed, stepping out of the forest.
The Dark Mix saw Aspen, and ran right towards her.
"Now!" Pin said, already running towards Kityan.
Kityan spotted them, and smiled.
"Keep still, " Pin said, untying her.
The rope dropped to the ground.
"Now Jasper!" Pin commanded.
Jasper stirred.
"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!" Jasper screamed.
The Dark Mix stopped right in its tracks. It saw Pin and Aspen.
Here we go.....
It started sprinting at them.
"Just what I wanted..." Pin whispered under his breath.
25 feet...
20 feet...
10 feet...
It was heading right towards Jasper.
"Ahhh!!" Jasper screamed.
*ping! ping!*
Pin started shooting rocks with his slingshot at it. It stopped.
"yOu dArE shOoT mE!!" It yelled.
It can talk!
"Darn!" Pin said.
The Dark Mix picker up Pin by the neck.
"L-let-t m-me-e goo-o," Pin said.
"Uncle Popcorn!" Jasper exclaimed.
Aspen was running over.
"I got this!" Aspen promised.
Aspen jumped on the Dark Mix!
"This is for destroying my orphanage!!"
"GeT OfF mE!"
The Dark Mix threw Aspen off it.
"ThIs wOn'T HapPEn AgaIN!!" It yelled.
It ran off into the woods.
"Yay! We did it!" Jasper cheered.
"Good job, kids. That was very impressive," Pin said.
"Yeah, thanks guys," Kityan said.
"Are you okay?" Aspen asked.
"Yeah," Kityan said, straightening up, "thanks to you guys."
"Did anyone happen to catch what animal it was?" Pin asked.
Goodness! I forgot all about that! I was too caught up on being....well.... scared!
"I did," Kityan said.
Oh, obviously she did. Goodness, I'm so dumb....
"Well, what did it look like?" Pin asked in desperation.
" looked like you."

Detective Pin: The Dark Mix (Book 3 of the Detective Pin Quadrilogy)
Mystery / Thriller(COMPLETED STORY) Join Pin and friends once again, on a journey of a lifetime! The darkness is taking over, and the only one who can stop it is the chosen one. The prophecy says, "The one that is chosen will be the brightest of all. He/she will be...