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Walls can keep things out or keep things in
Sometimes those things are people that want to be kept in
Everyone has barriers
Everyone keeps things to themselves
Some of those things are things they don't want others to know
As a child my walls and gates were low
My innocence clean and happy
Then you came along
We became friends
We became inseparable
We because us
Then it changed
You changed
I changed
We all changed
But the only reason I changed was because of you
You tore me down
You tore my walls down
Plowed right through the gates
The gates built low and small
The walls a simple fence
You broke me
The one beautiful glass vase
Shaped my my loving mother
Now broken and in pieces
In sharp, fragile, pieces poking at the not yet blooming flower that I call myself
I did not know what to do with the mess you created inside of me
So I built myself up again
The walls higher
The gates stronger , holding in the pain and fear I held in myself
I was fine
Or at least I looked like I was fine
Three years later and I'm better
Not great but better
Then someone else came along
Something in me told me not to befriend this person in front of me
They shook my hand and I shook theirs
They appeared fine
I appeared fine
But I wasn't
I was still 'under construction'
So you seeped through a hole in the building the wall
A person who seemed as of a friend but really the enemy
You caught me off guard
I was still innocent
Not really clean but not dirty
Not really happy but ok
You took the first blow
The first and what came to be many hits
Not just to my mental state but to my physical being
The body I am trapped in for a long time till I can be freed
Freed from this confinement
Freed from this pain and constant suffering
But the bruises from your hand on my arms
The dizziness
The scratches
The scares
And then you negativity started to seep through my gates
Like a deadly gas that can fill a room
It filled my soul
I started to believe the words you said
Then your words turned into my thoughts and my thoughts turned into my scares
The scares on my arms
Not from you but from my own hands
So the gates broke and my walls were done
In fact I was left empty
I was left with my broken self trying to tape the pieces back together
So please
Let me tape this soul back up and build the walls
Let me build before the next blow
Or I may just break into to many prices to we're I just can't be put together

Poems that came from my mind and soulWhere stories live. Discover now