Chapter 17

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Your heart thundered in your chest as shaky breaths clambered from your mouth. Your eyes were shrunken with fear as you tried to still your shaking limbs.

"This can't... i-it can't be happening. I don't understand. Why... how..." Tears welled in your eyes as you clung to Izuku, his eyes now dull and lifeless. The sound of war surrounded you but your sobs rang loudest. You couldn't stop staring at the destruction around you. A monster stood atop the corpses of your friends, laughing maniacally as they slaughtered them. In an iron-clad fist they held Bakugou. He still fought violently to get away from him but his quirk did nothing. "STOP IT!!!" You screamed.

A sharp snap silenced the air, and Bakugou stopped moving. His body thumped against the ground, rolling limply before you.

You blinked and darkness consumed you whole, leaving only you, and Bakugou's death stricken body. You screamed and sobbed, pulling him close and clutching him as though he might wake up.

"You can't be gone!" You cried into his chest. "You can't! Please wake up! I can't be alone again..."

"Oh honey..." the sweet voice cooed. You looked up and it wasn't Bakugou you held. Your eyes caught hold of familiar, long (H/C) locks and your heart squeezed.

Her eyes seemed cold now, and her grin twisted and melted as it slid off her face. "Darling, you always were alone." She said bluntly. You sucked in a short breath as she disappeared.

"Mom! Mom wait! Mommy please! Mommy!" You felt like a child again, reaching for her as she disappeared and you were left alone.

You opened your eyes and it was all gone, replaced by your room draped in dim morning light. Cold sweat dripped down your brow and nails tore at sheets by your sides. You pressed your fingertip to your eyes gently, pulling it away damp and warm. "What the hell..."

You placed a palm against your forehead and cradled yourself, trying to decipher the dream in your walking moments. "Mom?"

Your heart crept faster even thinking of her, fear and hatred tearing into you when you thought about the villain who killed her. As a child, you had nightmares of her death, but they stopped long ago, when you started to feel accepted with Izuku as your new family.

"Get up (Y/N)! You slept in again! Its our first day back!" Izuku yelled, pounding a fist on the door. It splintered just barely under the force and it snapped you from the trance.

You directed your tired eyes to the clock on the desk next to you, reaffirming what Izuku had said. You placed your feet on the floor and leaned into your arms, attempting to console the images that resurfaced. The door creaked open slowly, Izuku's green hair just peaking through. "(Y/N)?"

His eyes widened, seeing tears slide down your face, but hearing no sniffling. You looked at him, an uncertain sense of numbness about the dream overtaking you. "(Y/N)?! Are you okay??"

You didn't respond only placing your face in your hands. "I'm... I'm fine. I guess I had a bad dream." You muttered, voice soft. "I can't even remember what it was about."

"Are you sure? You've haven't woken up from a nightmare in years. Especially crying."

"I'm sure Izuku." You glanced at the clock and stood, turning your face away. "Now get out so I can get dressed! I don't wanna be late for the sports festival!"

You tried to change your tone, shooting him a quick smile as though to easy his suspicion. He didn't seem to believe your ruse, but nodded. "Okay. Hurry up though!"

"I will!" You chirped, moving to your closet.

You pulled on your uniform in seconds, smoothing out the wrinkles made by neglect during the break. You passed your mirror, glimpsing only to tie your hair in your ribbon, stopping briefly as you lost your breath. You saw your mother staring back at you, her face framed in your body. You hesitated, hearing her voice echo in your head. 'You were always alone.'

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