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The next day, I woke up earlier than I expected. I dressed up quickly and went outside the room. Was everyone still sleeping? My stomach was grumbling so I decided to make some breakfast, not only for me but for everybody.

Last night, I noticed that the fridge has bacon and eggs and that's what I'm cooking. I tied my hair in a loose bun and rolled up my sleeves. Then, I heated the pan and started cooking.

After a few minutes, I heard footsteps. It means that they're awake. "Brandon, I thought the housekeeper wasn't here," Darren said. He probably doesn't think that I'm the one cooking.

"She's not here." Then, the both of them ran downstairs and found me in the kitchen placing the food on the table.

I haven't seen Brandon since I shouted at him yesterday, I looked down instead of meeting his deathly gaze. "I cooked breakfast since you guys weren't awake earlier, I hope it's okay."

Vincent and Gabriel showed up and sat in their seats. Gabriel laughed and said, "Okay? When was free bacon never okay!"

"Thank you."

Everyone stopped eating including me. Did I hear that right? Yeah, I probably did since we all looked at Brandon with astonished faces. Damn, this boy knows how to say thank you. Even Darren himself couldn't believe what he said!

I smiled and said 'you're welcome' and we all went back to eating. Thankfully, I made the right decision to cook the whole pack of bacon. They all ate like starving wolves.

Today, school starts at ten in the morning because of some stupid faculty meeting. Then, I realized that I have to tell them my plans.

"I need to go home and get my work uniform." I really hope that they let me go today. I have a damn life, you know?

"Why are we still keeping her here, Brandon?" Vincent questioned.

Brandon looked at me and said, "Because she needs protection." I nearly choked on my water when he said the word 'protection'

I'm not safe because I'm under one roof with the most notorious gang. If they let me go, I won't be needing any stupid protection!

"Why?" I asked, sounding a little bit confused and mad. "The gang who attacked yesterday, they weren't after us. They were after you," Darren said. Why would they be after me?

"How long do you plan on keeping me here? I can't stay here, no one's taking care of my house, I have work, school - " Brandon cut me and said, "If I say that you'll be with us, you will be with us, understood!?"

He sounded furious. All I wanted to say was I can take care of myself. Why does he have to be infuriating? "I'll drop you to your house and you can get your stuff, Cassidy," Gabriel said. Well, at least someone's being nice.

I whispered a 'thank you' to him. After they were done eating, they all dressed up in their usual hot badass clothes. Did I just say hot? Then, we all got into Brandon's car.

While Brandon was driving, Gabriel broke the silence and decided that it would be fun to play a game.

"Your guys' seriousness is driving me crazy! Let's play never have I ever." Everyone sighed and begged Gabriel to stop talking but in the end, we started to play the game. The consequences for the first one to lose is to treat each one a meal.

I'm ninety percent guessing that I'll lose this game but I'll give it a shot. Gabriel started the game, "Never have I ever banged the same chick twice." Everyone including me laughed. They're all players, what would I expect.

Darren went next and said, "Never have I ever got drunk from beer." I still had five lives while the rest of them had four. So Vincent targetted me and said, "Never have I ever been kidnapped by a gang."

His words made everyone laugh, including Brandon. Then, Brandon said, "Never have I ever got shot in the shoulder." Gabriel and Vincent teased Darren since he's the only one who lost a point.

Now is my turn and I have to make it good. "Never have I ever kissed a girl." I grinned to myself because I knew that everyone would lose a point and like I assumed, they did.

The game went for two more rounds and Darren was the first to lose. Next is Gabriel then, Vincent. Both Brandon and I had one life left. Even though this is a game, I feel nervous. I want to win against him but I don't know how.

It's his turn to speak so I'm probably going to lose in this game. Luckily, his eyes were on the road and he wouldn't see my terrified face. Then, he spoke, "Never have I ever been in love with a guy."

Wrong move, Brandon Hunter. I've never had a boyfriend so I'm not losing a damn point. Everyone looked at me in surprise, did they think that I've been into relationships before? I laughed at them then I thought of one sentence that could make Brandon lose.

"Never have I ever hit a girl before."

He out his last finger down and everyone clapped their hands. Darren was teasing Brandon and so are the other two.

The ride was entertaining that I didn't notice that the car stopped in front of my house. I quickly got out of the car and opened the front door. I was about to run to my room when I stepped on shattered glass.

I thought my stepfather was going to be out for a while? I didn't bother to pick up his mess and went straight to my room. I grabbed some clothes and other essential things. After fixing myself, I went back down.

Then, I found my stepfather staring at me angrily. "Do you think you can leave me?" Yep, he was drunk again. I didn't dare say a word and I felt a painful hold in my wrists. It will surely bruise.

"I have to go to school." I tried getting away from his painful grip but I felt a blow on my cheek. He fucking punched me but I can't do anything about it, I never fight back. All the pain he causes me, I accept it.

He let go of me and I ran outside of my house. Even though I don't want to see him anymore, I have nowhere to go.

I Saved The Gangster حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن