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If there is mistake feel free to say it to me

sometimes I just don't think before writing



I still cant believe I found my mate here, its frustrating that I cant even go near him because of my unnatural powers. I wanted to hide my identity Day by day my powers are increasing I have so many qualities now as if I can talk to moon goddess I can create magic I can teleport myself or anyone across anywhere in the world. I can stop the world in time I have powers of earth fire water air and it all makes me special.

Jam is quietly irritated now because we didnt go towards our mate but she understood me also. I went to office for collecting my schedule after that I left for locker room by the guidance map that they gave me, kept my belongings there and took the book for my bio class and left from the locker room after 5 minutes of wandering I reached my class when I entered there I saw the girl who was standing beside my mate is in my class and the free space over class is only beside her so I gone beside her and landed myself in the chair.

She looked at me and hey I am Martha she introduced herself to me I am Jamline I replied to her politely. She narrowed her eyes and sniffed I noticed it but I pretended to be not notice. I and my wolf wanted to know what her relation with my mate is but we kept mum. You seem to be new here she said breaking my thoughts yes I am new here we shifted over here yesterday itself I replied to her politely I knew she is eager to know about me and I saw she was going to ask yet another set of question when the teacher walked himself in. I breathed a sigh of relief by seeing Professor I mentally noted myself that I need to call Steve to pick me up. After an hour my first class got over and I ran out of my class not want to talk to Martha anymore and at first called Steve and informed him to come and pick me up from the school.

He asked so many questions worrying about my safety, I have assure him that everything is fine its just I dont want to ride back home he knew I was laying but he didnt asked further which I am thankful right now.

After 2 more classes it came lunch break so I moved towards canteen and ordered myself a cheese burger and cola I dont want to eat like a pig today may be because after seeing my mate my appetite died down. I came and sat in a vacant seat in canteen and looked around and sniffed the air by the smell of werewolves we can conclude that are they from a pack or are they rouge.

There is only 20% of humans in our school others are werewolves its irony that no humans know werewolves exist in the world they thought its just a fiction. In their fiction they came to a lot of progress, like silver is harm for werewolves etc. and there are rouge also in our school and two pack children also one is of our pack I can say it by the smell and the other one is of my mate pack.

I was going to eat when I saw Martha is coming towards me with another girl beside her I sniffed and got to know that she is also a werewolf and plus she is a mated wolf. I smiled its one of the thing which human can never understand in human law girls have to be of 18 but in werewolf we can mate with our mates when we see each other. Its our wolves pull towards each other if you dont mind can we sit here? I came out of my thought when I hear the voice of Martha yaa sure you can I have no problem I smiled and nodded them

They sat down in front of me Jamline this is Berline my friend she introduce me to her and her friend smiled to me its good to see u Jamline we have a new friend here its good and plus we can hang out together often I smiled knowing that she is so talkative and I liked her instantly in fact I liked Martha also yaa it will be good to have friend here I said to her smiling.


By the way were are u from I heard Martha again saying I know she is not going to leave me without knowing the information she needed I am from new york shifted here yesterday itself and my dad got me admission over here I replied to her and then we started to talk few things when I thought to ask her about my mate by the way Martha this morning I saw you with a guy outside she narrowed her eyes and looked at me then shrugged her shoulder and said oh he is my brother

I felt my wolf signed in relief after hearing brother so you dont have a boyfriend the words came out of my mouth without my permission she looked at me somewhat amused and then said nope I dont have one I have been waiting for someone special when she said that I felt really happy about this girl who is willing to wait for her mate

And what about you Berline I asked her without thinking much. Yup I have one and I love him so much I chuckled at her reaction it seems she gone into another world all together. Our lunch is finished earlier and then I saw Martha is going to ask something but before that the bell rang and we all left to our classes we all have different classes at this while.

After 2 more classes our school is over and I came out of class and moved towards locker room and took my bag pack and filled it with my books and closed the locker and was moving out when Berline and Martha came in front of me. Hey I said by seeing them I know a natural smile came across my face. so how are going back to home if you are going alone then we can drop you off to your home Martha suggested that nope dear there is no need oh come one jam we can drop you off its not a big deal Berline its LI you can call actually I dont like being called jam and plus someone is coming to pick me up so guys no need to worry

Ok li if you say so Martha and Berline said together I smiled and then we moved outside I saw my mate is still there waiting and I felt my wolf jumping in joy seeing her mate come on li we can go towards our mate I want to feel him my wolf said shut up jam we cant go near him I shot back instantly

come on li look at our mate he is looking damn sexy and hot and his lips wow I just want to relish it my mouth hung open by hearing my wolf voice how come you became an hormonal bitch jam now you are closing your mouth I shot back instantly I know my cheeks are flaming red by hearing my wolf word. I blocked her voice from my mind and looked everywhere other than him. Thats when my eyes landed on Steve who is waiting for me near my bike.


When li called me saying to come and pick her up I felt tense worrying is everything ok or not she sounded worried. I asked her and she assured me but I know she is lying to me. I thought to leave it if she wants to tell me she will tell it.

I have been doing my alpha duties and tomorrow being Saturday dad has thrown a party introducing me as new alpha of the pack some of the neighbouring pack alpha is also coming. Party will start by evening 7.

I completed my work fast and drove towards li school in half an hour I reached there I know there is plenty of time for li school to finish. I saw a guy is standing near the car and looking towards the entrance i sniffed the air and got to know that he is werewolf and his wolf I not normal may be he is powerful an alpha or beta the aura of him says he is the alpha. May be he is the alpha of fire pack.

I then turned around and leaned to the bike of my baby sister. She is different thats why we always said to her to hide her smell from everyone. Its for her safety and I hope she didnt push herself in any trouble. After waiting for 30 minutes finally I saw her coming out with two other girls and thats when an aroma hit my nose lavender and I fell in love with it instantly I sniffed around once again and came to now its coming from the girl beside my sister.

Star Vansion Moonorio (Rejection series book 1 ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now