Fairy Tail in Wonderland - Part Three

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For those of you who would like to fangirl over the picture above...PLEASE DO SO HERE AND WE WILL HAVE A FANGIRL FESTIVAL~!!

Kawaii = cute

Neko = cat

Nakama = friend(s)

Damare = shut up

"Well, well," the voice of the figure commented, the sound smooth yet mischievous.  "Would you look at that?  A girl."

Despite the voice flowing out from the darkness, you raised an eyebrow and asked, "Are you assuming my gender?!"

The hidden male chuckled as you heard rustling from behind you, and you turned sharply to find those blue eyes again.

"Pretty kawaii, too," he added, but instead of blushing, you narrowed your eyes suspiciously.  "What are you doing in the woods, all alone?  Don't you know there are dangerous creatures in the forests~?" 

"Like you?" you countered, trying to pinpoint who this familiar voice belonged to.

"Nah, girl, there are far more fearsome things than me," the voice stated humorously.  "The only thing I'm sinful for is being devilishly handsome~!" 

"Shut up," you sighed, shaking your head.  "How would I know?  I can't even see you."

There was a short moment of silence, and then your eyes widened when you heard his voice right next to your ear.  "Of course you can't," he murmured.  "These woods are as dark as the Red Queen's intentions.  Once you get in, you can't possibly get yourself out."

Curse you, stupid Jellal, you thought, clicking your tongue in irritation.

You moved your hand to push the person away, but your hand reached through thin air.

"But, lucky for you, I'm willing to lend you assistance in order to get you out of here," the voice pointed out, now located to your left.  "So, what do you say?"

"How do I know you're not some serial killer?" you snarled.

"I would've killed you by now, if I had that intention," the male pointed out matter-of-factly.

"You're mad."

"We're all mad here, girl.  I'm mad...you're mad..."

Time skip brought to you by Virgo's strange desire to be punished

You're all mad, you thought bitterly as you found yourself seated at a table, one upon many.

The voice, you discovered, belonged to none other than Gray Fullbuster, who was currently seated to your right; he had the exact same features as the Gray you knew back home.  He had a dark blue shirt on, a black jacket to match, and black pants.  How he hadn't lost his clothes yet was beyond you, but you decided not to question it.  The most peculiar thing about him, though, was the two blue ears that poked out of his blue locks, occasionally twitching slightly.  Behind him, a matching tail could be seen, curled at the end and swishing.

He had successfully led you out of that endless forest, much to your relief (even though you had no idea how he had done such an impossible thing).  You explained you wanted to go to the Mad Hatter, whoever that was, and he had done just that.

The thing was, you weren't really sure if you wanted to stay there any longer or not.

The table was whimsical, even though the setting around it was anything but.  There were teapots and teacups filling the table, a few chipped or even half-broken.  There were snacks and treats on the table, decorated nicely, and a very, very familiar pink-haired male with a black hat sitting on his head was relentlessly stuffing food down his throat.

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