Episode 15

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Recap: As most of you guessed, Swara and Sanskar were not granted a divorce on the rule that they had to live together for 6 months. They return back to college. Everyone is shocked to see Swara in a married avatar; wearing a mangulsutra and sindoor. She shocks everyone by calling Sanskar her patidev. An even greater shock comes when Swara and Sanskar hug. Now Let's get on with the episode...


Swara and Sanskar were hugging while everyone's jaw dropped. Kavya held her arm out to Rishi as she gazed in one stare at Swasan.

Kavya- Someone pinch me. Am I dead or am I dreaming in broad daylight.
Rishi pinches Kavya.

Kavya- Ouch!
Swasan break the hug.

Rishi- Sanskar? What....kya....What is this?

Kavya- Swara? Tu...will someone please tell me what is going on?

Sanskar- Swara and I are now married.
Rishi pretends to faint. Kavya catches him and makes him stand upright.

Kavya- WHAT! Swara, what nonsense is this? Marriage? When did that happen?

Swara- Kavya, this is not nonsense, it's the truth. Sanskar and I got married.

Kavya- What got married! U can't just hate each other one day and the next day come and say u got married. Have you got us as fools or what?

Swara- No Kavya, actually, all that hate was just for show.

Sanskar- Yea we actually lo...lo....low...

Kavya- Low?

Swara gets frustrated.
Swara- Love! He means to say we love each other.
Swara gives a fake smile to Sanskar, who also returns a ditto plastic smile back to her.


After leaving the lawyer's office, Swara takes Sanskar and goes to her house. She rings the bell to her home when an older lady opens the door. Sanskar recognizes the lady as the same lady from the picture on Swara's phone.

Swara- Maa...
The lady is revealed to be Shomi, Swara's mom. Shomi sees the mangulsutra on Swara's neck and the sindoor on her hairline. She gets shocked as she sees Sanskar standing with her.

Swara- Maa please listen to me. Please hear what I have to say.
Swara holds Shomi's shoulder. Tears fall down Shomi's cheek as she looks at her daughter.

Swara- Maa please listen....plea...
Shomi takes Swara's hand off of her shoulder. Swara is shocked.

Swara- Maa please...

Shomi- Don't call me maa. I don't have a daughter anymore. Is this the result u give me? I raised you, and cared for you as my own child. U were my life Swara, u were my hopes and dreams. But undoubtedly, u proved to me that u are not my real daughter. U proved to me that we are not related by blood. U proved to me that I am not ur birthmother. U proved to me that we have no relation at all.
Sanskar is shocked hearing Shomi's words.

Sanskar thinks- Swara...not real daughter?
Shomi cries and closes the door, leaving a crying Swara behind. Swara yells for Shomi.

Swara- Maa please don't leave me! I don't have anyone besides you. Please...I need you...
Swara falls to the floor and cries. Sanskar slowly walks up to Swara. He holds her by her shoulders and makes her stand. Swara turns back and bangs on the door and again calls for Shomi, but there is no answer. Sanskar struggles and pulls Swara away from the door and leads away from her house.

(Principal's Office...)

Swara and Sanskar were standing in the Principal's office.

Principal- U might be surprised as to why I called you here. I know that u two have gotten married. Because of that, chances are, you two will leave college and start a family.

Sanskar thinks- Who told him that? Where is he getting all these misunderstandings from?

Principal- I know you two won't like to stay in separate hostels....and I don't want this college to lose such brilliant students like you two. So...the college will provide you with a flat until ur graduation.
Sanskar is surprised. He looks over at Swara, but she was still looking at the ground lifelessly after her encounter with her mother.

Sanskar- Sir, if you may, can I have a small talk with Swara first?

Sir- Oh absolutely.

Sanskar- Thank you.
Sanskar takes Swara out of the office.

Sanskar- Swara, I think we should accept this offer. Look, the only way to get this divorce is to live together for six months. You know I can't afford a place for the both of us and now you.....

Swara- Say it Sanskar, now I have nothing.

Sanskar- No I didn't mean that. Voh....

Swara- I think we should take the place.
Sanskar is surprised.

Sanskar- Really?

Swara- Yea. Now I don't have a place to stay and u also need a place to stay. Plus, we can get over with the divorce rules by doing this.

Sanskar- Ok.

Swara- But one problem....

Sanskar- What?

Swara- Didn't you hear principal sir? He said he is giving us the flat because he thinks we can't live without each other. So....

Sanskar- So...

Swara- So at college, we have to act to be in love in front of everyone so the principal doesn't suspect anything.
Sanskar does his one eyebrow raise.

Sanskar- Act? Be careful Swara Gadodia, kahi acting ke chakkar mein, u don't actually fall in love with me.
Swara rolls her eyes. Sanskar smiles.


Kavya- What do you mean u love each other? Is this some kind of joke? Listen Swara, April is not here yet so don't play any April Fool's jokes now.

Swara- Who said this was a joke?

Rishi- Come on Sanskar yaar what is this? At least tell me. U tell me everything. How can u hide such a big thing from me?

Swara- Come on Sanskar. It's time for class.
Swara grabs Sanskar's arm and leads him away. Kavya and Rishi watch them leave with open mouths and a dazed face.

Precap: Swara and Sanskar's first day of living together.....

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