At seven AM the girls sit quietly outside in the van. No one said a word the whole drive.
Stacie was able to guide them there claiming she was tracking Hannah's phone.
They'd been sitting there for a bit. In silence.
Nobody wants to go inside. Nobody want to move.
"Okay guys," Maddie says. "Four of us come go in now and you guys go in if we take over an hour."
"Like we discussed this morning," Megan says. "Maddie, Paula, Stacie and I."
Everyone nods quietly. They say their goodbyes before slowly climbing out of the van into the forested area.
It's a ten minute walk to the quarantine camp.
It's another silent wait that should've been filled with planning and goodbyes, but it wasn't.
They get to an area with high security and fencing. It looks like a prison. Everything looks so prepared, like this has been ready for months.
There's a dirt road leading to a fence gate entrance. The four girls walk up and immediately have caught attention.
Red dots showing up on all their shirts.
"Don't move. Let me talk," Stacie says quietly.
Someone walks up the gate. They look a little relieved when they see us. Probably because we pose as zero threat.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Stacie. This is Megan, Maddie and Paula. We heard this is a safe place?"
"Where'd you here that?"
"Just let us in, we're safe you can check," Stacie demands.
The guy nods his head letting us all in and the girls all look at Stacie questionably.
They do a quick pat down and take the girls' weapons. All except a knife Maddie remembered Stacie hid. They took her gun though.
They lead the girls to a room that looks like some lab room.
"Where is everyone else here," Megan asks. The guard ignores her though.
Then walks in a familiar face.
"Elzabeth!" Maddie squeaks.
Elza smiles but it's only a half smiles and it seems more like she's saying I'm sorry.
The older guys leave and it's us alone with Elza.
"What the heck is happening?" Paula asks.
"Well you guys will be joining our... group but we have to run some tests before we can trust you."
"What do you mean?" Maddie asks.
Something catches Maddie's eyes in the window. She recognizes Angelina standing in the window with Marleyse standing in lab coats and goggles.
Maddie doesn't say anything to anyone. Something tells her to keep quiet.
"Just line up outside the door," Elza says leading them to a door. They all pile out and Marleyse starts talking to them.
Everyone is so surprised to see her nobody sees Paula and Maddie slip away.
"This is a dumb idea," Maddie mumbles to Paula.
They start to run through the building which looks to be some kind of hospital. Maddie keeps wondering, why would there be a hospital in the middle of nowhere? One so new and high-tech? No one lives out here.
The eventually are running towards stairs before they pass by a room. The slow down and back up to where they see someone they went to school with. The girl gives wide eyes and shakes her head before a man in the room turns around and she quickly looks away. She's in a hospital bed and she looks like she's already dead.
The two girls, out of fear keep running, then down the stairs and out the back.
There's tents everywhere with people laying down on mats or people in body bags. It smells of death.
To the right there's a gate that leads to a huge fenced in area of more people in quarantine suits and kids running around. Some kids are huddled up under tents crying with a blanket or something and it breaks the girls' heart to see.
"Why are they collecting all the kids?"
The girls realize that the doctors in the suits are kids their age. In fact Maddie swears she recognized someone.
"We shouldn't be out here," Maddie says to Paula. They turn around to go back inside and immediately alarms are going off. An alarm repeating Code blue on floor 2.
"Code blue? In a hospital that means someone's heart has stopped?"
There's Code blue buttons at every elevator and inside there's wondering patient buttons.
"Do they have everyone here tracked? What?"
The girls decide maybe the stairs are better and they peek to see what's happening on floor two.
"What is Jess doing here?" Paula asks shocked. The others all are there.
The other girls had been caught sneaking in and Elza is there standing and talking to them. Guards start to drag them as they start to squirm and scream. They put gas masks over them and all the girls fall faint.
Paula however runs at them screaming.
"What the fuck? Let go of her."
She tackles a guard and they try to get her off but she tries to strangle him. Elza and the other guards trying to keep the others from running are too busy to help and out of the blue Marleyse comes up and jabs something into Paula's back.
There's a small squeal and gurgling of blood as it comes out of her mouth and back all over the floor and Jess' past put body.
Marleyse pulls the weapon out and Paula tries to talk but she can't. She just falls back onto the ground as everyone watches.
Marleyse pulls down her mask and orders somebody to clean up the body while she cleans up.
Elza stares at Paula's body but there's no guilt or pity in her eyes. Just stone cold.
"I have a patient," Elza says to another girl who seems to be another guard. "Also take her to the morgue. We could use the body for more tests."
"So they are trying to cure it?" Maddie whispers to herself.
She watches as the bodies get dragged away and slowly she follows behind.
"What the fuck happened," Maddie whispers. She had just seen Elza days ago, same with Marleyse. What happened to them?
Is Hannah apart of the people working here too? Or did she die?
Maddie follows them to another room filled with chairs, the kinds you see at the dentist.
Maddie stops behind some weird machine and watches more doctors around the room. The female guard lays Saskia on her back and the start to shave her head.
Not long after they're cutting into her neck and everyone gathers around as if this was a real life surgery. Except how would anyone here know how to do surgery?
"We have to be super careful. These things can be lodged in here and not affect the body. Most times someone gets shot the bullet stays in the body so this won't affect her."
"—Not health wise at least."

Short Storythis shit is wild, so if you decide you wanna read some ratchet ass story with one too many inside jokes, strap in. - *Keep in mind this was written about my school friends so if you don't know me this may seem wild and make no sense. Enjoy tho:)