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Tyler's POV

I go downstairs and see Emma and Virgil cuddling on the couch.

"Do you know where Nic is?" I ask.

"Outside" Emma says half asleep. I go outside and see on the bench swing, reading Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. I walk over and sit next to her. She sets her book down on her lap and looks over at me. 

"Hey" I say.

"Hi" she says.

"I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"Everything. We were really good friends and then I got jealous and said some things that I really shouldn't have. I know they aren't true but I was so stubborn I wanted to believe them. What I did was horrible and I am so sorry"

"Thanks, Ty. I forgive you"

"You do?"

"If I didn't forgive you for every stupid thing you've done, we would've stopped being friends years ago" 

"I don't do stupid things that often" 

"You cut the hair off my favorite baby doll to make a nest for your stuffed bird"

"I was 8!" 

"You told a guy I was pregnant with your child and we were moving to Florida so he wouldn't go on a date with me"

"That was forever ago" 

"It was 6 months ago" 

"Oh yeah...."

"Yeah" she laughs.

"Ok I admit I do really stupid things sometimes" I say chuckling. 

"Thank you for apologizing. I missed you"

"Thanks for forgiving me. If I were you, I would have told me to piss off" 

"That thought did cross my mind but I figured I'd give you a chance"

"Wow you're so kind" I say sarcastically.

"I know. Happy Birthday, by the way" 



Each year we all celebrate our birthday on the same day since Emma's birthday is only 3 days before ours. We still acknowledge her birthday on the actual day and do stuff for her but we wait to have her party till mine and Jackson's birthday. We decided to just have some friends and family over for dinner and stuff.

Emma's POV 

Everyone is here but one person. I invited her last minute but I was really hoping she'd show. I hear a knock on the door and go to answer it. I open the door and see Angel.

"Happy Birthday" she smiles holding out a small box wrapped in light purple wrapping paper.

"Thank you, come in" I smile back and take the box. I lead her to the living room where all of the teens and kids are hanging out. All of the adults our in the kitchen.

"Everyone, this is Angel. Angel, these people are my family" I say.

"Hello" she smiles and waves. 

"Hey. I'm Tyler" Ty says to Angel after walking over to us.

"Hi" she says.

"She's 19, Ty" I say.

"It's only 4 years" he says.

"It's fine, Emma. We're just gonna talk. Nothing more" 

"Ok. I'm gonna go put this somewhere" I say holding up the small box. I walk over to the presents table and set it down.

Jackson's POV

"You know, you're really good with kids" Kevin says. We've been playing with Millie, Nova, Carson, and Lucas for a while. Nova is 7, she's Sam and Kat's kid. Carson and Lucas are Elton and Amanda's. Carson is 10 and Lucas is 9. 

"Thanks. So are you" I say.

"Do you want any?"


"Kids. Do you want kids when you're older. We've never really talked about it" 

"Yeah, a couple. You?"


"Good" I smile.

"Jackson?" Nova asks.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Is Kevin your girlfriend?"

"Close. He's my boyfriend" 

"But you're both boys?"


"The pastor at our church says that you can only date a girl if you're a boy"

"That's not true, Nova. You can date and marry anyone you want"

"Anyone I want?" she asks with a smile.

"Yep. Anyone you want" I say.

"Daddy!" she yells. Uncle Sam comes into the room and walks over to us.

"What's up?" he asks.

"Start planning my wedding?"

"What? Who are you marrying?"


"What?!" Lucas asks.

"Jackson told me I could marry anyone I want" she says.

"No! No no no. That is not what I said" I say.

"Yes, it is" Kevin says.

"Shut up" I sigh.

"Well, you can't marry anyone you want. They have to want to marry you too" Sam says.

"But Jackson said I could" she says.

"Jackson, tell her what you meant"

"I meant, if you love someone and they love you too, you can marry them no matter what their gender is. If you and girl fall in love you can be together. Same goes with a boy. Don't listen to your what your pastor says" I explain.

"Oh ok. That makes since"


Hey everyone. Sorry if this chapter sucked. I've had writers block. Welp, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to leave your questions for the Q and A! Bye love you!



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