Yet another year of Child endangerment

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Why the truck is the animal of RAVENclaw a trucking eagle, it is well known that ravens are exceptionally smart. Should we call it now huh? America-claw? Eagle-claw? Aquila-claw?

Draco POV:

I trudged into the Great Hall together with the other Ravenclaws. The argument with Buckteeth had been going on for an eternity with only a few breaks, however any small thing got her gob working. I cant wait to have a good feast.

More people walked in. 7th year Hufflepuff with a bunch of her friends. 3rd year Ravenclaw sat down next to me. Crabbe and Goyle giving me a nod as they sat down at Slytherin table next to Bullstrode and Nott. No Harry, Weasel, Mudblood or Percy, how strange. 

The last filed inn. There! 

Harry, Percy, Weasel and Mudblood  tumbled in the last minute compleatly wet from the rain and probably some of the waterballons Peeves threw around. Weasel and Harry had leaves in their hair along with some scratches on their face. I gave them a wave and a look that said, 'You better explain this!' before turning to the other Ravenclaws.

Jenny Rowle, a pureblood 5th year Rawenclaw grumbled to her friend Daisy, an unimportant halfblood bordering to a squib. "Cant the feast just start already? They do this every year. Why force us to sit here and wait on the firsties EVERY year just so the kids can be 'baffled' by Hogwarts in a dramatic way?" Daisy tipped her black (with blue trim) hat, and batted her brown doe like eyes at Jen, "I dunno Jen, mabye they are to stuck in tradition? This had afterall been done for centuries, I dont think they will stop it just because a few of us cant wait for the pie."

Audrey Burke snorted from behind her book on dark artefacts. I was unsure what her problem was, she never seemed to like Rowle or Daisy, probably because the two seemed to encurage the pranks the Weasley twins did. Burke was a girl by the law, well unless it comes to selling dark artefacts in Knockturn Ally at Borgin and Burkes.

Jenny Rowle sneered at her, sapphire blue eyes bored into her head from behind a curtain of corn blond hair. "I would quit that disgusting snorting if I was you, it makes you sound like the sow you are. Hmmm mabye you should continue then, you might attract the redheaded tramp Weasley."

Audrey slammed her gigantic book onto the table causing empty goblets to fall over, cold yellow eyes sharpened, pug-like nose scrunshed up, her black hair fell down on her shoulders from the ponytail she sported. "Why you insignificant little... I have NO IDEA how you manadge listening to her Daisy, her voice resemble the song of a Fwooper!" Jenny scraped her pink manicured nails into the table, hand twitching towards her wand, "Atleast I dont have the face of a Flobberworm mixed with a Grindylow!"

I waved my arms between them shaking my head, "Ladies ladies take it easy, the schoolyear has'nt even started yet. If you would kindly take this 'argument' in your dorm later on. Ravenclaw needs points to win this cup and I dont want you destroying Rowena's name on the first night this year!" The two turned their head slowly towards me, their gaze hardened and Jenny opened her mouth. 

The sound of nervous first years saved me from Rowle and Burke, it was time for the sorting.


Percy POV:

Audrey made quite the show when she decided to have a verbal battle with Rowle. Can I even marry her again? Like this Audrey was waaay different from the one I married, this one was innocent and would mabye never understand me the way Older Audrey did. Mabye I should get together with Penelope? She was afterall a great girlfriend last time around, but then again, this Penelope is different from MY Penny, and there is a reason we didnt marry last time.

Harry nudged me and wiggled his eyebrows. He shifted his gaze between Audrey and me, and then Penelope and me as I had apperantly been staring at them both for quite some time. I in return to Harrys teasing did the mature thing and stuck my tongue out, it was totally worth Hermione's disaproving glare.

The first years scrambled together in a line, the different hights made the line pretty bumpy. McGonagall cleared her throat before unraveling a list, her hand swayed towards the wooden stool with the sorting hat on. "Aeber, Bonnie" "Hufflepuff!" "Aklyn, Daniel" "Slytherin!" "Creevey, Colin!" "Gryffindoor!" Dennis Creevey lit up like a light and urged his little brother to sit near him. Little Colin turned his wide eyes to Harry, more specificly, his scar. "I'm — I'm Colin Creevey. I'm in Gryffindor, too. D'you think — would it be all right if — can I have a picture?... So I can prove I've met you. I know all about you. Everyone's told me. About how you survived when tried to kill you, and how he disappeared and everything and how you've still got a lightning scar on your forehead... It's amazing here, isn't it? I never knew all the odd stuff I could do was magic till I got the letter from ." (A/n:from the original book) Harry did the normal thing and pretended that he was facinated in the sorting, giving sign that they could talk later.

The sorting went on for ages before "Lovegood, Luna" was called out.

Ginny had to nudge Little Luna back to the reality, the poor little kid was in her own world probably looking for some outrageus thing like a Snorkack or something. The girl in the strange earrings sat down on the stool and stayed there for 30 seconds before a exasperated hat called out, "Ravenclaw!"

I smirked as the special girl decided to sit down next to Draco, who looked a bit sour. From what I could see she was telling him something about some creature she saw near him. Ah looks like Draco will be learning patience and self control as well as white lies. I have no doubt that Luna and Draco will get along if given the chance to connect, and mabye some pushing.

There went some more time before I heard the last one this year, "Weasley, Ginnerva!"

Both Ron, Fred, George, Harry and realy any Gryffindoor that was connected to any Weasley turned their head to my baby sister. Even Luna and Draco gave her their attencion. 

The hat sat on her head for a minute, two minutes! Fred and George began to wring their hands and bite their lips. "GRYFFINDOOR!"

Ginny bounced over to Colin and sat down next to him, stealing a glance at Harry.

I tuned out Dumbledores speech and the school song, I just stared at my plate and goblet with an intencity of a thousand burning suns. I only heard the words "Enjoy!" before reaching towards the nearest fork.

As we all dug in the conversations started. Colin seemed to be a natural talker, just like the one I grew up with. "So Harry! Why are you covered in leaves and scratches? Was it a monster rosebush?" Harry gave a quiet sigh before turning his head towards Colin, "No, Roaring Roses are locked in the fifth greenhouse, we encountered a Whomping Willow when we walked the grounds here. We missed the train you see, and Flooed here, but had decided to explore. Not that good of a choice when its dark."

Draco POV:

I trudged after the Ravenclaw prefect Penelope Clearwater as she explained everything to the firsties. Most of us could barely consentrate on her voice, well other than Loony, she was not even bothering trying to listen, she was staring in facination into thin air.

I was a bit disturbed once again that the only thing protecting us Ravenclaws was if someone could guess the riddle or not. What if someone dangerous (like a murderer!) infiltrated the castle, would they only have to figure out a simple riddle even firstyears should be able to guess? Or do the eagle knocker have a charm on it so it will attack anyone that means harm to any Ravenclaw, or does it attack on Dumbledores word?

I waved goodbye to Luna before climbing into my bed, hope Percy will like the necklaces with runes I made in the summer. This could make a fortune if Percy was right, I would wonder though why anyone at school would be desperate enougth to by a protective rune. There was'nt anything to fear right?

Word count: 1440

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