sound of a baby crying heard from the surgery room. a baby that mr & mrs na have been waiting for was born on 13 august, 2000—
suddenly the doctor came out from the surgery room with a sorry face, mr na shocked
" what happened doc? everything going well, right? "
" mmh- congrats for the baby boy sir, he born safely "
" aah, i know there's nothing, thankgoodness "
" but— " said the doctorsuddenly mr na's expression change from a smile turn to the panic one.
" what? but what?! "
" i'm sorry sir, we've tried our best.. but we can't help mrs na "
" w-what? " mr na lost his words, he can't accept the reality
" noo... " cried Mr. Nathen after crying a while, he walk through the corridor to meet his son for the first time, then a nurse greet him, and said
" mr na? "
" yes, it's me "
" i'm sorry about mrs na, sir "
that sentence reminds him of his wife, again he lost his words and can't say anything. he can't move. his mind got blank." sir?" said the nurse
" umh-yes? i'm ok, can i meet my son now? "
" ah of course, sorry. wait a second, i'll bring him here "
then the nurse came back with that baby boy in her arms.
" here is the baby, sir. um- mrs na's last wish is that she wanna tell you to give this baby boy name, na jaemin "
" ah yes, um– of course, thanks "mr na take that baby slowly and put him on his arms, cried because he lost his wife but there's also a smile because his son born safely
" mr na, jaemin still needs some special treatment to make him healty enough, so it'll cost more.. "
" just tell me how much is it, and pls take care of jaemin, i just wanna the best for him "
" okay sir "
" thankyou somuch "
" that's my job, your wellcome "to be continued..
sorryyy, if u're dissapointed because this chapter is quite short, but i'll publish the second chapter, " decision " ASAP!!❤ —jaeminhearteu

fell for you | NCT jaemin jeno nomin
Fanfictionwhat the hell is this, what kind of feeling is this?! this is not a normal feeling from a brother to his own brother. i'm sure this is more than that -leejeno