Chapter Two.

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Normani POV

"Normani Kordei Hamilton, Noelle Kianna Hamilton get up its time for school!" Mama yelled.

I'm awake, my sister is still in bed counting hogs. Noelle may be the oldest twin but I'm the responsible one. Today is our first day of college and I'm not hyped about it. I mean it's cool and all but it's nothing to go crazy over. Luckily I'm only here for two years and after that time is up I'll transfer to a four year college. My parents gave me the choice to go to straight to college or take a year off.

If I had taken the year off you'd have to drag me out the house and force me to go to school.

I finished eating my breakfast then went upstairs to wake my sister up. "I thought you were asleep." Mama said.

"I sent my alarm early because it takes awhile to do my hair." I said.

"Alright, go get your sister up and get out of here. I don't want y'all to be late for your first day." Mama said.

"Yes ma'am." I said.

I walked into Noelle's room and yanked all the covers off her bed. I walked over to her window and peel the blinds apart. "The fuck..." Noelle groaned.

"Get up, wash your ass, and let's go. If you're not downstairs in ten minutes I'm leaving you." I said.

"My ass is clean and I'll be down there soon." Noelle said.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of her room. I love my sister but sometimes I wanna choke the hell out of here. Before I could make it out of the house my grandma gave me a little pep talk. My grandma lived in Houston for awhile but since she's getting up in age my parents moved her to California with us. I love having my grandma here because she brightens my day when I'm down and she keeps me calm when I want to choke Noelle's ass out.

I got in my nice, somewhat messy car and plugged the six cord into my phone, not a big fan of the radio. Fifteen minute later my sister came bolting the door. She got in and the first thing she complained about was my music choice. "Careless Whisper, really?" She asked.

"Listen Linda, my car my rules." I said.

"Whatever sis." Noelle said.

I pulled out off the driveway and began driving to our school. Noelle was being a headass and posting shit to her Snapchat. I kept my eyes focused on the road because I wasn't trying to kill anybody. When we got to the campus Noelle started freaking out because she forgot to get her books. "I told you to come up here with me last week so you could get your books but did you listen, nope. Now look at you." I said.

"You worry about getting that dirty ass car of yours clean. I'll see you later on." Noelle said.

"Mmhm, bye." I said.

I pulled out my phone and opened my schedule, "Why did my smart ass decide to take algebra first thing in the morning?" I asked myself.

I walked around the building until I found my classroom. When I walked inside a few people looked up at me and I got a little uncomfortable. The only seat available was next to some random guy in the back. I walked to the back of the classroom and tapped his shoulder. He took his ear plugs out and looked at me. "You good?" He asked. It was too early for me to be a hoe.

"Y-Yeah is this seat taken?" I asked.

He moved his bag out of the way and pulled out my chair, "It's all yours now."

I sat down and replied, "Thank you."

"No problem." He said.

I don't know who this fine Wakandan warrior sitting next to me was but I would love to find out more. I took out my calculator, notebook, and pencil and prepared for class. Ten minutes later and there was no sign of the professor. "So this is what college is like huh?" I asked.

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"I guess so. One of my friends says this guy always runs late and he sucks at grading papers. But if he isn't here in five more minutes, I'm out."

"Same. I'm Normani by the way." I said.

He shook my hand and smiled, "Kendrick. Beautiful name by the way and accent. Where you from?"

"Do you want me to get technical?" I asked.

"Please do." Kendrick said.

"Well I was not in Jamaica, then moved to Atlanta shortly after birth. Then my family relocated to New Orleans but that didn't last long because Katrina hit. After that we moved to Houston and now we're here in Cali." I said.

Kendrick slowly nodded then a smile spread across his face, "An international woman, I like."

I giggled a little bit and turned towards the front. The professor came in right before the fifteen minute mark could be reached. He took the attendance and of course he butchered my name, he called me Normanny. I politely corrected him and prayed he wouldn't screw up again. That two hour class felt like an eight hour one instead.

After class Kendrick and I went to our next class which was English. First day and she gave us a test on the reading we had to do during the summer. I did my reading so I felt confident about my test. Once the test was over we began reading another story and she gave us a shitload of notes to take. I looked over at Kendrick and he was busy playing on his phone.

"Girlfriends?" I whispered.

Kendrick shook his head and smiled, "It ain't even like that." He said.

"Mmhm, whatever." I said.

When the class was over I packed my stuff and walked out to my car. I had an hour to myself so I went around the corner and got myself two Chick Fil A sandwiches and a cookies n cream milkshake. I came back to the parking lot and Kendrick was sitting in his van cake baking on the phone. It was probably one of his little hoes that he was gonna go smash after school. He hung up the phone and waved me over to him.

"What Kendrick?" I asked.

"Did you bring me something to eat?" He asked.

I didn't plan on giving him one of my sandwiches but I did it anyway. "Here you go." I said.

"Thank you baby girl." Kendrick said.

I took a step back and looked at his ride, "A van, really? You struck me as a Mustang, Camaro kind of guy." I said.

"If you paid attention to the logo you'd see that this van is how I make a living." Kendrick said.

I looked at the van and read the side of it. "Kendrick's Mobile Carwash. How does a mobile carwash even work?" I asked.

"All of my equipment is in the back of the van. Someone calls me and I meet them at their home and I provide them with whatever service they need." Kendrick said.

"This is actually a thing?" I asked.

Kendrick smirked and nodded, "Yes it is. Which one of these cars is yours? Maybe I can hook you up with a little something." He said.

I pointed to the car next to the van and he scrunched up his face. He rubbed the back of his neck. "How long has it been since you cleaned it?" He asked.

"Awhile.." I said timidly.

Kendrick reached into his console and I took a step back. He turned around with a business card in his hand, "Call me and I will come by your place and I'll have your car looking as beautiful as you." He said.

"Thank you. Now get your shit so we can go to this public speaking class." I said.

"Yes ma'am." Kendrick said.

Kendrick got out of his van and we walked inside the building. We got into the classroom and prepared ourself for the torture that this class was. This bitch made each one of us get up and introduce ourselves to the class and share a few interesting facts about us. Then she critiques us on how we did. All of us had the same problems. Long pauses, leaning on the podium, and not speaking loud enough.

I enjoyed that hour long class because I took a nice ass nap. After class Kendrick walked me to my car like a gentleman. "So when are you gonna let me take you out on a date?" He asked.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Let's go out sometimes." Kendrick said.

"Boy we barely know each other." I said.

"That's the purpose of a date baby girl, to get to know each other better." Kendrick said.

"Normani! It's the first day of class and you got a man already!" Noelle screamed.

I dropped my head and put on my sunglasses. "It's two of y'all, lord help me." Kendrick said.

"Mani introduce me to your friend." Noelle said as she nudged my side.

"Kendrick this is my sister Noelle, Noelle this is Kendrick.." I said.

Noelle shook Kendrick's hand, "Nice to meet you. Do you have an single brothers that look like you?" She asked.

"I have three brothers that are single but none of them look like me." Kendrick said.

"That's too bad because you are gorgeous. Are you from Wakanda? You could be my T'Challa, rawr." Noelle purred.

"Get yo ass in the car! Kendrick, it was nice meeting you. Uhhh bye bye." I said.

"Hey you never answered my question." Kendrick said.

I smirked and got into my car, Noelle broke her neck trying to check Kendrick out. Whatever her thirsty ass has planned for him but she can throw it out the window because it ain't gonna happen. 

I saw Kendrick first so therefore he's mine.  I'm not gonna give in easily because he's a good looking, entrepreneurial young black man with a nice body and perfect teeth. If he wants me he has to work for it.


Things will pick up eventually.


Thanks for reading, tell me what you think 😁

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