Me, Millie and Sadie went to my room after mine and Wyatt's chat, to get ready for the party, even though I wasn't in the mood. I was more in the mood for me and the girls just to have a sleepover where we watch movies, gossip and eat food.
I put my dress on before helping the girls with there hair and makeup. If it was 2 people who keep me grounded through all of this. It would be Sadie and Millie, I still don't understand how they put up with me.
"Ugh my dress won't zip up!" Millie groans. I roll my eyes before helping her to which she thanks me before lying on my bed and text Sophia to meet us before the party started.
"So how's Wyatt now after he saw you and Finn kiss?" Sadie asks putting her eyeliner on carefully.
"He asked me, once again if I like Finn. It's so hard to lie to him but you know there's nothing I can do."
"Well it always works out for the best, all the stories like this do." Millie reassured me but we're not in a cheesy romcom, this is reality and sometimes reality is a bitch.
The party in the end was amazing. Me and the others were dancing all night. Surprisingly I wasn't overly drunk like the others. The only one who didn't drink was Sophia, She doesn't drink but she was still dancing and having fun. Me and Finn occasionally talked trying to be discreet as possible and once again we kissed but Sadie being our savour broke us apart and told us off. Sadie is definitely the mum of the group.
At about 2 am everyone started leaving which was weird since it was only 2 but then again. The alcohol went down pretty quick and one of our speakers blew up.
"Hey let's go on a drive!" Noah says jumping on the sofa.
"Do you wanna g-et run over?" Sadie hiccups playing with Caleb's hair.
"A bub bub!" Noah quotes Sadie but it only makes her laugh and hiccup more.
"Sophia's not drunk and s-s-she can drive!" Noah points out nearly falling over.
"Yeah let's do it!" Caleb says jumping off Sadie's lap and falling to the floor as we all laugh.
"Ok I'll get my keys." Millie was asleep upstairs in my room so I don't think she's coming but everyone else was and luckily Sophia has a massive car. We all walk out to the car, well more like stumble but we made it.
Sophia's car had 5 seats in the actual car but then had a massive bit you usually see farmers have hay in. I jump into there taking a seat as Sadie, Caleb, Jaedan and Finn join me, as Noah, Wyatt and Sophia sit in the front part.
"Do you think I have chubby feet?" Sadie asks looking at her feet even though she has her high heels on.
"No! Your feet are lovely." I shout to Sadie as the car starts.
"Really? Wren you are literally the bestest person ever to step foot right here." She points to the sky before hiccuping for what felt like the 100th time.
After a while of more laughs and Sadie pointing to the sky some people needed the toilet so Sophia pulled over as everyone ran into the woods except me, Sophia, Finn and Wyatt.
We were opposite each other while Soph and Wy were still talking in the front but if we said anything they would definitely hear. That's when Finn starts to write on the fogged up window. After he was finished I read it and it said- you have a pretty face.
"Wow you can spell." I whisper before writing back- you have a pretty face to.
"Hey were gonna head back c-cause everyone needs bed." Wyatt slurs getting out the car before smiling at us and getting back in, he didn't even notice the thing on the window but then again we were to drunk to wipe it away I'm guessing he was to drunk to care.
Everyone finished up and we head back all of us holding onto each other and singing- good grief by bastille as we enter the house.
"Hey Wren you look gorgeous tonight." I expected it was Finn to say that but I turn around to Jaedan smiling and swaying on the spot.
"Thank you!" I say hugging him before throwing up down his back.
"S-sorry Jaedan I just didn't like your top." I say before Sophia turns me around.
"Wren you need to sleep ok Hun?" I nod my head as Sophia helps me upstairs and into my bed taking my shoes off.
"Night Wren." She says turning the light off.
"Night night Sophia." I feel my eyes getting heavy and see my phone light up but I have 0 energy and fall asleep.
"Wren. Wake up!" I open my eyes which made my head hurt even more, my eyes adjust on Sadie waking me up, I groan before turning over but she keeps shouting at me.
"Wyatt says be ready for 2pm and it's already 1 so get up!" With that I pretend to cry but get out of bed slowly trying to make sure I'm not gonna puke my guts out. I pick up my phone from the charger. Sophia put it on charge she's so precious. I look to my phone where it's blowing up with loads of notifications. What's going on?
I open my phone to a picture of me and... oh shit, Mr Ellis. Beverly that bitch must of taken a picture when we kissed, but what shocked me was it was posted on Sams account.

B.B.F (Brothers Best Friend)
FanfictionWren hated the fact she had a twin especially one who's best friend everyone has a crush on including her.