Chapter 16 - Training & Preparing

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After that whole morning, they took their time lightly and deliberately. It's now noon, close to dusk. They have to train well in order to fight the Wall of Flesh and win. Chris' tactic for training is to fight the Eye of Cthulu and the Eater of Worms at the same time and after that, with the Eye of Cthulu and the Brain of Cthulu. Faye took her gathered Gold Coins, went to Leonardo and bought a Minishark and went back with Chris having something in mind.

'Hey, we should to the Corruption, summon the Eye of Cthulu with the Eater of Worlds, and then after that, Eye of Cthulu with Brain of Cthulu to start our training.' Chris shared his long thoughtful suggestion. 

'That's a good idea. After that, we can head down back to the Underworld with a lot of Blocks and Campfires to fight the Wall of Flesh on. Maybe find a hive of the Queen Bee.' Faye agrees and added another suggestion.

'Sure, let's go to the Corruption now before the night starts so we can get as much time as we can. We don't wanna rush our fight, do we?' Chris said.

'No, let's go now.' Faye said, taking 12 lenses to make the Suspicious-looking Eye down at the altar.

They headed outdoors, waving their goodbye to the Residents. They've reached the Corruption relatively fast with their new found and made equipment. They owned the monsters, killing every one of them with their weapon until Faye thought of another idea.

'How about we split up, you stay here and I'll go to the Crimson. It gives us more experience in fighting because we don't have to rely on each other. What do you say?' Faye suggested to Chris while shooting her arrows at the monsters.

'Sure, you should start going there now, just go straight from here, turn -' Chris was cut off.

'Yeah, I know where it is. I saw it the map that Zane gave me.' Faye interrupted.

'Good luck, let's see back at our house when we're done. Give me 6 of the lenses so I can make a Suspicious-looking Eye as well.' Chris said. Faye, giving him what he needs.

Chris, with his Sunfury, kills the monsters in range. He can even attack them efficiently in close range with his newly made Night's Edge. He now has enough materials to make the Worm Food, of course, not forgetting the Vile Powder. He went down the well-known chasms of the Corruption and tried to spot a Demon Altar. There it is, with its demonic features. He crafts the Worm Food and the Suspicious-looking Eye. Without wasting another second, he grappled his way back up and summoned the monsters.

The Eye of Cthulu is now there, as well as the Eater of Worlds. Without hesitation, he swings his Sunfury against the Eye, using his left hand to wield it and the other with the sword. He hits the Worm with his Night's Edge, snapping it off in half. He is now juggling and multitasking successfully against these bosses. After a few moments, he focused on the Worm, dodging it as well as the Eye. It wasn't soon that he successfully killed the Eater of Worlds, gathering its loot. Now comes the Eye of Cthulu's second stage. He tries to fight in range, using his Sunfury to hit it and with one final hit, it died.

On the other hand, Faye traveled towards the Crimson which didn't take long, she had the Spectre Boots after all. He went in the cave opening, killing and murdering a lot of those monsters with her Sharanga, igniting them with a Cursed Inferno. She only had to hit them once, the Inferno did the killing. She made a small platform in the middle of the massive heart-shaped cave and stood there, farming the mobs. She had gathered enough Vertebrae from the monsters so she headed down to a Demon Altar and made a Bloody Spine, as well as a Suspicious-looking Eye.

Not knowing what to expect, she went back to her platform and summoned both of the monsters. All she had to do was to use her Pheonix Blaster and newly bought Minishark on the monsters. The Minishark was rapid-fire, hitting the Creepers of the Brain instantly. She used the Pheonix Blaster on the Eye because although it wasn't rapid-fire, it deals more damage. She juggled herself and thought for a moment, what if she fights both of the monsters in their second stages? She tested her limits and did just that. After a few more hits, the Brain opened itself, revealing its insides while the Eye spun, transforming its iris into a massive mouth. With her bow by her side, she wielded the Hellwing Bow and Sharanga at the same time. Both bows in the right hand and the left hand is used to pull the string and release the arrow. Both monsters died a horrible death.

It was time to head back home now, they both did their battles so they both used a Recall Potion and teleported back home.

'You're here, did we finish at the same time?' Faye asked.

'Yeah, had some fun killing more monsters.' Chris answered. It was a pleasant statement to hear, murdering monsters.

'Did you grab the loot by any chance?' Faye asked, 'We can sell them to the Residents.' she added, trying to regain the Gold Coins she lost from buying the Minishark.

'Yes. Give me yours and I'll turn them into Bars. You can go ahead and prepare the Blocks and Campfires that we're going to use to make the platform down at the underworld.'  Chris said, suggesting their next plan.

'Okay, sure.' Faye went ahead and prepared the things and Chris started to make the Bars.

After a few hours of work, it's now time to rest. They woke up the other day, did their routine and went back to their adventure. They went back down the Jungle, trying to find their old route at the same time trying to find a new one to try to spot a hive. Of course, some Hornets were also there, ready to ambush them. With Faye's Sharanga, the Hornets were easily killed. Faye accidentally missed one Hornet, the light of the arrow glowing and revealing a hive in the back corner of the cave.

They went to investigate and there it was. The Queen Bee's Hive.

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