500 words-The card trick

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Lydia walks along the street shaken from a long restless night - she had 'the' dream again.

It starts out with smiling faces and joyous laughs but two people-One man one woman always come.They sit in the bakery, where she works.At first they were just talking to each Other, Joking, teasing, laughing- like normal people,But the atmosphere would soon change.

She didn't think anything of it in the dream but now she realised the signs were obvious.

In her dream she had just put their order down onto the table- two teas, one blueberry muffin and a slice of carrot cake.
The lady in lemon,thanked her from her deep red lips as she reached for her tea.

Thats when the man spoke, "Lydia,"
his voice was musical hitting all of the high and low notes, "I have a card trick."

Not really having a choose she nodded,puzzled with how he knew her name.

He smiled and reached into his red velvet pocket.A smirk spreads onto his lips as he pulls out a pack of cards. Shuffling them, he takes out two cards setting them face up on the table- the king of diamonds and the ace of spades.

When he did this the stern looking lady chuckled,her laugh as deep as her dark brown eyes.It was as though she knew the greatest secret, which Lydia didn't.

Lydia struggle to Foucus on the man,only doing so when he spoke as she was in a mesmerising trance,by the women she dubbed  lady lemon.
"Pick a card,any card." He gives her a cheeky wink, "Don't show me though."

Her fingers trace over the back of the strange cards, which had a strange yet intriguing pattern,before stopping. Lydia takes the card and glances down, the eight of diamonds.
"Put it back," she did as he said and he started to shuffle  the cards, before handing them to her," there,that way I can't look."
She gives him an expectant look.He reply's by downing his tea to reveal two jokers in the China cup.
"I believe your looking for this?"
lady lemon smirks pulling a card from Lydia's apron pocket- the eight of diamonds,the diamond were as striking as here devil red lips, " now be a doll,and get us more tea."
Suddenly she had no other thoughts,all she wanted to do was please lady lemon.

It only went down hill from there,
It was more of a nightmare than a dream...


A woman and man enter a small but cozy bakery, they were rather peculiar looking.The woman who resembled a 1940s model had ruse lips and almost vampire like skin with a unwelcoming ora.She spoke no words but she hit Lydia's nerves with dark piercing eyes.The man was tall,dark haired with electric blue eyes. His ora was of a clumsy, yet majestic magician.

Lydia drops the glass in her hand, it shatters onto the wooden floor.

It was the ace and the queen..

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