TOW The Dream

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It wasn't that big of a secret that Chandler liked dominant women.

Well, sexually speaking, that is. Maybe he liked bossy women beyond that realm too, but he wasn't sure of it yet.

He wasn't the type of guy who got laid very often – despite living in a constant state of horniness, he was too awkward to make it work the way he wanted to. Also, he felt like he was too inadequate in bed. Perhaps, that was why he enjoyed being with women who took the dominating role so much. When everything was up to his will and he had to take the lead, he would get all sweaty and bumpy, feel anxious and, sometimes, be on the verge of a breakdown. When the woman he was sleeping with took charge though, it was heaven. She could boss him around and he would be totally fine with it, and much calmer too, since he would be completely sure that she was having her way and enjoying the whole thing.

And it wasn't good only for her; he liked the whole thing too. Being slapped, being ordered around, kneeling in front of her, getting his hair pulled back – once he even had kissed a girl's feet and had enjoyed doing so!

Okay, this makes it sound like he had many bossy women ordering him around in bed but the truth was: all his experience of sleeping with a kinky, dominant woman had actually happened only once, with a lady named Joanna. She was Rachel's boss – an almost comic version of a soap opera villain; that one bitch who, by having too much power, made everybody's life a living hell. The first time he went out with her, he'd been uninterested to the point of never wanting to see her again. When he'd bumped into her out of nowhere a year later – and he'd been too lonely and too horny to turn down her invitation for a coffee –, they had been able to take the relationship to the next level. It had only been one night but, boy, what a night it had been. He'd felt like his body had been thoroughly used, and he'd loved every second of it. And then, the following day, she had handcuffed him to her office chair and just left him there. That part, he had to admit, hadn't been that exhilarating – he was sure that had it taken place in his bedroom, he would have enjoyed it way more.

All the women who had come before her had been somehow bossy too – well, here comes the misleading sentence structure again; not plural, there were no women. There was just Janice. Way more traditional, but still totally in the mood of taking charge in the bedroom, Janice had always had her way when it had come to sex, and Chandler sometimes thought that that was the reason why their relationship had lasted so long (barely four months, but that was still a personal record for him).

Chandler had been lonely for a while when he'd had sex with Joanna, and even though he internally knew that they would never work out together, he already missed her. He wasn't infatuated or anything; it's just that finding another woman to sleep with him would be hard enough, and finding a dominant one could make the quest even more difficult.

That night, as they were playing cards at apartment 20, Chandler ventured into forbidden territory as his mind was cramped with musings about his three favorite women in the world and their sexual preferences.

He wasn't really picturing himself having sex with them, but just... wondering... how bossy they were in the bossy-o-meter when it came to the bedroom. First of all, he thought of Phoebe and internally grimaced, trying to erase any image his mind's eye had pictured by accident. Somehow, everything that mixed "sex" and "Phoebe" sounded too scary for him. He wasn't attracted to her at all, and, more than that, he was absolutely terrified of actually knowing about her sexual endeavors.

Then, there was Rachel. If he wanted to, Chandler could totally picture himself having sex with her – he had always found her attractive. As hot as she was though, Chandler couldn't really give it much thought. Any prospect of a romantic or sexual relationship with her sounded absurd. He assumed she would be that kind of girl who was too passive, probably taking her spoiled princess attitude to the bedroom, and waiting for the guy to always take the lead. That was fine, obviously. It just wasn't that interesting to him for it didn't match his own preferences. He would probably feel more insecure than ever if he ever slept with Rachel.

[Joey x Chandler] COMPILATION OF SHORT STORIES FROM AO3Where stories live. Discover now