After the Storm

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I went home broken and devastated. Why do people call it broken heart when in fact it felt like you're whole being is aching. I don't know what to do. I want to drink but I don't have any liquor here at home. I want to break everything that I see but I realized, would it stop the pain that I'm feeling right now?

"Beeep. Beeeep. Beeeeep." My phone has been receiving dozen of messages. I didn't even notice because of what happened.

I unlocked my phone and messages from him bombard me.

"I'm sorry baby"
"Please give me a chance"
"I'll make it up to you"
"Please baby"
And so on and so forth. Nearly 87 messages and 34 mizsed calls.

I quickly deleted every messages/convos that we have. I deleted all photos. Everything that would remind me of his existence in my life. But I know that whatever I do, he is already embedded in my heart and soul. How I wish that we could also deleted the memories and the feelings that we felt.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror. Wasn't I pretty enough for him? Sexy enough? Smart enough? Enough? Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks. I felt so pathetic. So powerless. Weak.

Questions filled my head and I don't know where I would get the answers. Is love never enough?Is sex really necessary when you're in a relationship?Does sex can make people forget everything even their loved ones?  Can sex help me forget the pain that I'm feeling right now? Could it help me moved on?

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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