Everyone was so excited and happy. Even Yoongi surprisingly. It made me happy. It made sad as well because I'll be going in a week or so. I won't be able to see their cute smiles. I won't be able to see them happy. I'll miss all this but I know that I am going to do the right choice.
I hope they'll continue being happy even after I've left.
'Hey Y/n! do you want ice cream?' Tae asks.
'Yeah sure. Cookie's and cream?' I ask.
'One scoop? Got you.' He knows me to well. Even tho it has been years he still knows what I like. I start smiling for no reason.
'You seem happy? What popped into your head?' Jimin says while swinging his arm around my shoulder.
'Oh it's nothing. It's just been a while since I've been outside. Also you guys are so happy. It makes me happy. I kinda don't want to leave. I'll miss all your cute smiles and how active all 7 of you are,' I lied a bit. I did want to go and start a new life but I will miss them.
'Then stay! Don't leave! I don't want you to go anyway. I'll be sad,' he says while fake crying. I lightly punch his chest.
'Stop it! You'll make me cry!' I say smiling. A genuine smile. Not a fake smile like I always do.
'Your smile is cute. You should smile more often. Well not the fake ones that is.' How can he tell?
'Hey sis! Here's your ice cream. Extra rainbow sprinkles and now cone. How you always like your ice,' he says while handing me my ice. I missed this. I missed hanging out with Tae. I should've done it more often.
'Thank you,' I replay while having some ice cream in my mouth,
'Still the same old Y/n. Scoffing down your food and then trying to speak,' he says while laughing and then going to the others.
'So. You want to walk well drive around the park a bit?'
'Sure,' I tried to say but because the ice cream was so cold and I had a bit to much in my mouth it sounded like 'hure'
'Ok. Where would you like to go? Left? or right?' he says and I point to the left. I knew that there was a fountain that way so I wanted to go there.
Jimin pushed my wheelchair while we were going around the park.
We finally arrived at the fountain and it was so beautiful.
'Go make a wish,' Jimin says while handing me a coin and pushing me towards the fountain.
I drove over to it and at first I didn't know what I should wish for. But then I knew.
"Let BTS be happy and live a happy life even after I left them. Don't let that bury them in sadness. Let them forget and be happy forever. Let them have a happy future and leave their painful past"
I do hope my wish comes true.
'What did you wish for?'
'Don't you know that if you tell people what you wished for it doesn't come true?'
'Yes yes I know but I was just curious.'
'Well I wished for something amazing. Not for myself but for someone else. I hope it comes true.'
'I'm sure that whatever you wished for, it will come true,' Jimin says. He gave me his cute eyesmile which just melted my heart.
'Yes Jimin?'
'Do you love someone?'
'Yes. I do.'
'Who is it?'
'Well. He has the cutest smile. An eyesmile to be exact. He is quite small but taller than me and its adorable. He has adorable hands. They are small and cute but I love them. He has cute mochi cheeks. His lips are so cute and when he pouts it is just the cutest thing ever. I just want to kiss them. The person I love is looking at me right now,' I say. I could see him smiling and blushing a bit.
'Awww. My cute Mochi is blushing!'
'Yah stop it!'
'No! You look cute when you blush! Also do you love me as well?'
'If I didn't then would I be blushing this much?'
'Yeah true.'
'I didn't know you felt the same. Now that I know I am so happy.'
'I've crushed on you since 2013! When I heard your voice I fell in love with it and you! Even tho I have never seen you or anything for 5 years!' I exclaimed.
'That long? Wow. Did I look anything like you imagined?'
'Even better. Ok this is getting to cute for me! lets keep walking,' I say before grabbing Jimin's hand and put them on the back of my wheelchair.
I knew that he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend but I didn't want to. Well I did but I was leaving soon so I didn't want to be together with him. It didn't feel right to be in a relationship for only a week or so.
We kept going around the park and I could tell that Jimin couldn't stop staring at me. I kept feeling a bit uncomfortable but I let him stare at me.
'Hey love birds! Took you two a while to get back! We are going back home. It's getting late,' Yoongi says to us before walking away.
I had a quick bath and then laid on my bed next to Silver. I kept staring at my ceiling trying to think of my plan of leaving.
I had my headphones on and played my music loud enough to not here anything else. I was listening to "Pretty little psycho" nightcore version. I made a whole playlist with all the songs that a similar with their meaning.
It's been an hour now at I haven't moved from my spot. I probably skipped dinner but I don't care.
So? have you come up with your plan already? Also that wish? Wow what a pathetic person you are.
I got up into my wheelchair and went to my art supplies.
I began to draw. I don't know what. But it was something.
Are you actually trying to ignore me? Are you really trying to drown me out with your music?
I finished. I looked at it.
It was a girl and a boy. The girl was on the upper half of the drawing sitting on a cloud. You couldn't recognize her face. Her hair was kind of covering her face. She was looking down to the boy. It was darker where the boy was. He was kneeling down next to a stone. He had a red rose in his hand. He was crying. You also couldn't recognize his face but you could tell that he was crying. The girls side was lighter. Happier. Brighter. But she was dark. The boys side is dark. Sadder. Darker. But the boy was light.
I kept staring at it. I quite liked it. I let it dry near the window.
'6 more days. 6 more days with you all.'
Finally finished my exams! more time to finish this story^^
Hope you like this chapter and you might have an idea of how it's going to end. Maybe not.Edit: I totally didn't forget that she was in a wheelchair. Whoops.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X reader
FanfictionYou were homeless for years and had to find jobs. You would only keep a job for at least a day because THEY were looking for you and you knew they were after you so you had to move fast. one night you were walking around looking for a place to stay...