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[Bill's thoughts]

# Harry's thought #

It had been almost a month since Harry was at Ron for the summer holidays. Voldemort defeated, Dumbledore had not thought it necessary for the Survivor to still suffer the Dursleys. Mrs. Weasley was quick to invite Harry to the Burrow and Harry had happily accepted. Hermione had joined them the day before for Harry's birthday and was to stay with them until the end of their last year at Hogwarts. It was their first big vacation where they could freely use magic. So all three of them decided to work Apparition to be sure to get their license the first time. It was to this purpose that they were at the beginning of the afternoon in Ron's room.

- To you Harry, said Ron.

- Remember, make a void in your mind then imagine your place of landing and ...

- I know Mione, Harry cut him, I heard MacGonagall like you.

Hermione was silent and nodded backward. Harry sat cross-legged on Ron's bed, closed his eyes, began to empty his mind and imagined the twins' room, the places they had chosen to Apparate. At that moment, Ginny ran down the stairs, shouting to her mother:

"Mama, did not you see my Egyptian poster with the Pharaoh's tombs that Bill sent me?

Egypt and Bill, two words recorded by Harry's subconscious as he disappeared from the sight of his friends in a pop.

With a big smile, Ron and Hermione rushed to the twin room where Harry must have landed. Only the room was empty. Hermione pales as Ron looks around murmuring

- Mom will kill us, mom will kill us, mom will kill us.

They undertook a quick search of the whole house without any more results. Not preferring to tell his parents until the last moment, Ron asked Hermione to ask the twins for advice. The girl accepted and they sent an owl to the twins, asking them to come and see them as soon as possible in their old room.

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Meanwhile, Harry had arrived in a rather dark room. After checking that he was whole, he looked around wondering where he had landed and then froze.

#oh my god ... it's ... #

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Fred and George appeared in front of Hermione and Ron with a big smile.

- Hi Frangin, you can not do without us, huh! Fred said.

"We're so indispensable," George said.

"So funny," Fred continued.

"So busy, too," said George.

- Yes, we have a store waiting for us, Fred chained, what do you want Ronny?

"Well, you have your permit to Apparate," said Ron.

- Nonnnnnnnnn, we came by chimney, made Fred very serious.

"Besides, we should think of stopping the fire, it is a warmth in this room," continued George, heading for a nonexistent chimney.

- Why? Need help ? Fred asked seeing Ron and Hermione pissed off.

- Actually, rather need an answer, Hermione answered, how can we find a wizard who missed his fate?

- Do not be afraid Hermione, you'll get there without a problem, reassured George, by cons, Ron ...

"How can we find him?" Ron asked again. The note of despair that the twins perceived in the tone of their brother made them become serious again.

"Well, the ministry has ways to detect wizards," Fred said.

"Oh no," said Ron, crumbling on the twin bed, his head in his hands, "apart from the ministry?"

- Why oh no? George asked.

"Harry did not know where," Hermione said, sitting next to Ron.

"Tell us exactly what happened," Fred frowned.

The two friends ran quickly.

"You say Ginny talked about a poster and Bill before he disappeared," George said.

"Yes, a poster on Egypt," Hermione replied.

"So he must be in Egypt," Fred concluded.

- Or somewhere on the way between here and there, added George, it's still very far.

- What are we going to do ? Ron asked, overwhelmed.

- Harry is still a powerful wizard, it is possible that he has arrived to Apparate to Egypt, Hermione said.

- Yes, in this case, you only have to send an urgent owl to Bill to see if he saw anything or if he can inquire

- You keep us informed, huh! George said, imitating his brother, we're going back to the store.

And they both disappeared into a pop as Ron rushed to the aviary to send a message to his brother in Egypt.

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Harry stared for a moment at the view that was open to him: through an open door to a bathroom, he could see Bill Weasley taking a shower. He had not heard it Apparate and had not seen it yet soaped. Harry, captivated by Bill's naked body, could not hold back a groan as he passed his hands over his penis and testicles. Indeed, since the first time he met Bill in his fourth year, Harry had felt attracted to him and then fell in love without ever daring to admit it to the principal concerned, and to see his love caress in front of him had sent him a great heat wave in the lower abdomen and he could not stop a groan from crossing his lips.

At this sound, Bill looked up and met two bright emeralds. He opened his eyes wide and stammered:

-Ha ... Harry? What are you doing here? How did you get here?

Harry gasped when he realized that Bill was talking to him and then took a nice poppy hue when he realized that Bill had probably heard him moan.

# come on, Harry says something #

-Eh ... I ... I ... I ...

Seeing Harry staring at his anatomy, Bill quickly finished rinsing and tied a towel around his waist before joining him in the living room.

[ God fortunately he was too embarrassed to realize the effect of his gaze on me. He would have taken me for a pervert and ran off. It's crazy what he's changed since the last time I saw him, he's getting more and more sexy with his big green eyes ... since when does he have more glasses?

Stop Bill, do not think of him that way! He's the best friend of your little brother, he's younger than you and almost part of the family ...

Hell, he's been falling since he's not getting dressed with clothes that are three times too big ... I'm wondering if he's gay, after all, I do not remember hearing that he's had a little friend...

it's enough Bill, I'll let you know that your towel does not hide much]

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