Imagine you're best friends with one of the one direction guys

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Luke: Luke invited the boys plus one direction boys over for a party you were cooking in the kitchen when they arrived you heard a voice you knew really well and missed a lot since he's been on tour say "since when did you start Cooking?" You turned around and saw harry you smiled and ran over to him and hugged him and said "gosh I missed you so much." He said "I missed you too." Then someone cleared their throat Interrupting you guys moment you guys pulled away and saw Luke looking at you You said "we're best friends and that's all nothing more nothing less you have nothing to worry about I love you he's like a brother to me." Luke said "good." Then you got back to cooking once you were done you brought everything in and enjoyed the night with the boys and the one direction boys.

Calum: you were on the phone with your best friend Louis you guys were arguing right now cause you just found out his real dad has cancer and you didn't want Louis to get it so you wanted him to stop smoking but he wouldn't listen to you little did you know that Calum invited him and the boys and the other one direction boys over to hangout they arrived and you didn't say a word to Louis he said "come on yn you can't stay mad at me forever and I know for a fact that you can't." You said "I just don't want to lose my best friend ok that's all but obviously you don't care if I suffer think about how heartbroken I was when your mom died do you seriously want to put me through that pain again." He said "hey come here love." You walked over to him and he hugged you and put you on his lap and said "you won't lose me for a long time you have nothing to worry about ok I'll be here for a long time trust me." You said "that's what your mom said to me when she was alive and now she's not so you don't know that it runs in your family Lou I don't want you to get it." He said "I'll go to the doctors for a appointment don't worry I'll take care of myself to make sure I'm healthy." He hugged you as you cried and said "promise me." He said "I promise." Calum was fine with this because he knew you guys are close and he knows that you love him and Louis is just a friend.

Michael: Liam and the others were coming over to hangout and same with the others you were cooking and dancing to familiar Liam walked in and said "you love me." You screamed and dropped the knife you had in your hand thank goodness it missed you cause he scared you and you said "asshole don't do that to me again you almost got me killed that knife could have killed me." He chuckled and said "you love me nothing will change that and it missed you you were totally fine don't be so dramatic." You rolled your eyes and you then continue to cook when you were done you brought the food out and put it on the table Michael knew you and Liam were just friends so he didn't get jelous he knew you love him.

Ashton: Niall was coming over with the others plus the 5sos boys it was hot out you were in your bikini and getting ready to go in the pool you heard Niall whistle at you and you said "shut up boy you know I have a boyfriend." He just chuckled and said "you gotta love me and I know that." You flipped him off and said "yeah I do but I love Ashton more than you." Niall rolled his eyes and said "obviously cause your dating him but you'll always love me." You said "Exactly and that's true." Then you guys just talked the rest of the day and hungout Ashton love that you were friends with Niall.

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